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June 21, 2024

Haeran Ryu

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Haeran Ryu after the second round of the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Tied the lowest round of the week, 5-under. Talk about the day, especially the stretch you had on the back but your front.

HAERAN RYU: Honestly I was nervous because I didn't make the cut last year at KPMG. But I'm happy with my score today. I get to sleep in tomorrow.

Q. Coming into today, just was there a different approach you had to the course or different mindset? What was different from yesterday's round to today's round?

HAERAN RYU: Yesterday I had higher expectation on myself after meeting with my coaches. Today, compared to yesterday, my shots were very good, on point.

I'm happy with my score.

Q. Seemed statistically off the tee was really good for you today. What was working so well with the driver?

HAERAN RYU: This question is going to make TaylorMade happy. (Laughter.) I switched into the new Qi10 during the middle of U.S. Open and took it to Korea for last two weeks and tested out and I really liked it.

The performance was really good throughout the week.

Q. How did that set you up for today with the greens getting firmer this afternoon, maybe some shorter clubs into greens and such?

HAERAN RYU: That was one point that I didn't consider and I made a bogey. I also have a friend, close friend that lives in Seattle, and he did advise me on this point.

And I do realize it's hard when it gets really dry.

Q. You mentioned you went back to Korea after the U.S. Women's Open. What did you do during your time? What did you work on? How did you spend that time to prepare for this major?

HAERAN RYU: Practice, practice, practice. (Smiling.)

This week I got the (indiscernible) new ball, it's like poppy balls in my necklace, and that is so good to me I think and the more accurate for my driver and for my iron shots really good than before the U.S. Open I think.

Q. What kind of confidence does a round like this give you, especially at course like this?

HAERAN RYU: My shot is so accurate. (Smiling.) Yeah, I think so.

Q. Does it give you a lot of confidence to know you can have a round like this?

HAERAN RYU: The more birdies I make the higher my...

Q. Halfway through your second season on the LPGA Tour. How much -- how different do you feel at this point in your career compared to maybe last year or even the beginning? How much different or maybe more confident do you feel about everything?

HAERAN RYU: So difficult to answer. I mean, last year I'm really good finish to Rookie of the Year, and then get a win in last year.

But this year I wanted to same mindset as last year but it's is a different golf course and different weather and different season and I'm a different human.

I think I just talk anyone is practice and practice and practice. That is answer I think, yeah.

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