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June 21, 2024

Miyu Yamashita

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Miyu Yamashita after her second round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Can you just tell me about your round today, some of the highlights of the day?

MIYU YAMASHITA: I could hit a good shot the whole round and I could get birdies on the par-5, and that was a good point of the round today.

Q. What makes this course so hard? How does it suit your eye and your game?

MIYU YAMASHITA: The course is pretty tough but I just aimed where I want to be and then just hit the shot. That's it.

Q. How does it feel to see your name towards the top of the leaderboard at an LPGA major?

MIYU YAMASHITA: I am just happy that I could make the cut and then I can play two more days. Then I want to do my best.

Q. I know you're right there for the Olympic qualifying with some other Japanese players. Is that a big goal of yours, to qualify for the Olympics, and are you thinking about that this week?

MIYU YAMASHITA: My goal this year was to play well on the major tournaments so the Olympics is like if I play well and could make Olympic, that's the best, but I'm just focusing on one shot.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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