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June 21, 2024

Jin Young Ko

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes


THE MODERATOR: All right, we're here with Jin Young Ko after the second round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Take us through the round today. What was working well for you?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I just tried to play easy today. The golf course is really fun, but, yeah, I mean, I'm trying to just play easy today, yeah.

Q. Even par yesterday; obviously 4-under today. Any different strategy heading into today after you saw the course in action yesterday?

JIN YOUNG KO: No, I don't think so. Yesterday was much better than today. Golf is, yeah, sometimes happens. I'm trying to hit fairway and I'm trying to hit the green; just make one or two putt, and, yeah, I play really solid.

Q. What do you feel you did best today?

JIN YOUNG KO: I don't have best things today. Just every club was like 50/50. Just good or not. So was okay.

Q. How much did you pay attention to the scores of other players in your group? Can it help when someone is playing well?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I mean, Lexi play really well yesterday and so I just want to copy her today. Yeah, a lot of fans out there. I heard someone saying, like cheering for me, like J.Y, or, let's go Jin Young, like this. So was really thankful.

And I really thankful to be attention to playing really good because last couple months I wasn't play good, so I practice a lot and, yeah, I realized golf is not easy but not too hard.

It's everything is from my mind. If I'm thinking -- like let's do simple and play simple and it comes out really well.

But like this golf course not easy; this golf course really difficult. So if I'm thinking, like overthinking, overthink, the result comes out so bad. So I'm trying to think easy.

Q. Is it easier or harder to play when there are so many fans around you?

JIN YOUNG KO: I mean, this golf course is like a lot of trees left or right so I couldn't see the fans. I mean, yeah, I can only see the fairways. Narrow, really narrow.

Q. You said this golf course is fun earlier. What's fun about it?

JIN YOUNG KO: Everything. Just I can hear when the ball is landing on the green. It's like cart path. Was so fun.

Even I was hitting wedges 58 and 52, I can hearing the like cart path. It's so tough but it's so fun.

Q. So you like tough? The tougher the better for you?

JIN YOUNG KO: I think the tough golf courses is makes me more focus so, yeah, I like.

Q. I know you struggled with a shoulder injury.

JIN YOUNG KO: No, I don't have injury right now.

Q. Earlier in the year.

JIN YOUNG KO: Shoulder little.

Q. So how long have you been pain-free?

JIN YOUNG KO: Just two or three weeks. Not bad.

Q. Thank you.

JIN YOUNG KO: Getting old. Sorry. (Smiling.)

Q. To be able to post a 4-under on a day where the course is playing as hard as it is and maybe not feeling like you have everything clicking, has to feel like a pretty good day all things considered.

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, I play really well. I mean, I make two birdies on No. 10 and 11.

I start No. 10, so it was good start.

So, yeah, I thought I could make more, but I'm happy with finish 4-under.

Q. Great playing. How much does a round like this make you feel comfortable in this contention scenario at a major championship?

JIN YOUNG KO: If I win the major I'm going to cry on the green, like lay down and then crying. (Laughter.)

I want to make good scenario. But before that, I need to focus myself. I need to do my things.

Q. Got a couple days before it happens, but the Olympic teams are finalized on Monday. What does it mean to represent the Republic of Korea and go back to Paris? I know you're a big foodie. A lot of croissants in Paris, but how excited are you for that opportunity?

JIN YOUNG KO: Yeah, if I hear like how do you feel represent of Korea, it makes me like goosebumps. I always proud to play Republic of Korea. Yeah, I play in Tokyo but it feels different.

So I think this Paris Olympic is I feel like more Olympics, so it makes me really excited. I'm excited to like good food in Paris, too. (Smiling.)

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