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June 21, 2024

Hinako Shibuno

Mimi Taya

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, we're here with Hinako Shibuno after the second round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Can you just take us through your round today? What were you doing really well?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Well, I started with three birdies and that was a really good start for me. Overall, I'm disappointed with my score, 2-under, and, yeah, it was dramatic for me.

Q. We heard you had a really good par save on No. 2 the par-5. Can you just take us through that one?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I parred over there that's why maybe I bogeyed the last one.

Q. It was in the water there, right? How did you hit it out of the water? You got it pretty close, right?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I opened the face and it was -- I shot like a bunker shot, and a little hard contact with the ball.

Q. You changed your shafts at the U.S. Women's Open. Are they still the same now and how have they helped you? How has that change helped?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Yes, everything is same.

Q. How is that helping you? They're softer, right?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I can control more rather than the beginning of the year.

Q. And does this golf course remind you at all of Woburn?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Well, Patty's caddie, Jason, he told me last hole that does it (indiscernible) like Woburn, and she said, I don't know. It's just too narrow for me. (Laughter.)

Q. On the second hole when you saved par, did you feel fortunate to have a shot? Were you surprised you could get a club on the ball?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I was more regret about the third shot, yeah.

Q. Just overall, how well do you feel you played today?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I had a lot of lucky bounce, so it was just my lucky day.

Q. You had it was a rough stretch to start the year. Wondering how your finish at the U.S. Open helped with your confidence and especially into this week, too?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: I had no confident until U.S. Open. Like the beginning of the year I had a very tough time, but as a result I was second; that make me a lot of confidence for this tournament.

Q. What would it mean to you to represent Japan in the Olympics and how much is that on your mind this week?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: As a result, I jumped up like over 100, and I went 61 ranking, Rolex Ranking, but I didn't think about the Olympic at all, so I was just keep myself on my like tournament right now.

Q. You've had Mimi as your caddie in these events. What's it been like to have your agent be your caddie?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Well, I don't really, you know, care about she's agent or whatever. I spend more time than my family and she's now my family, yeah.

Q. How long has she been on the bag?

MIMI TAYA: I started Founders.

Q. One quick follow up: How much are you picking your shots or how involved is Mimi in decision making?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: (Laughter.) 100%. It's just last push, yeah.

Q. Does that mean that Hinako is making all the club choices or what does that mean?

HINAKO SHIBUNO: Yeah, I'm asking Mimi. (Laughter.) Yeah, maybe 50/50.

MIMI TAYA: No, maybe 20%, 25%.

Q. 25% you are, Mimi. Sorry, Kent, if you're confused it's because Mimi is the one translating for her. 25% Mimi and the rest Hinako?


Q. Mimi what was your experience in golf before?

MIMI TAYA: I used to play, so I started when I was 20 and I played couple years until I started management. Yeah. That's it.

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