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June 20, 2024

Billy Harris

London, England, UK

Queens Club

Press Conference

B. HARRIS/G. Mpetshi Perricard

6-4, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: Congratulations, Billie. Having a great week. Is it all sinking in? What do you think you're doing differently when it's all coming together for you?

BILLY HARRIS: Not trying to do anything different. Just starting to see the ball very well on the grass. I mean, I have had a couple good weeks at Nottingham and Surbiton leading into this, and I think that's definitely helped and confidence has grown, as well.


Q. How does this compare, today's win to yesterday, and how do you manage to keep it going?

BILLY HARRIS: Different match. Perricard had a massive serve. I managed to get my rhythm early on in the match, and most of the returns I was getting my racquet on, they were going back in. So, yeah, happy with how I returned and served, and that was the main key today.

Q. You're having quite a week, the Wimbledon wildcard yesterday, and through to the quarterfinals. I'm not sure you have tallied it up, probably over 100,000 Pounds so far. What a difference will that make to you?

BILLY HARRIS: A big difference. It's like Christmas Day every day with the wildcards and Wimbledon news. Just very, very grateful and hoping to make the most of these opportunities.

Q. Your story traveling about Europe, can you tell us a story about when you didn't have so much money? Can you tell us the story where you maybe didn't have that much money and managed to get back?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, playing the futures, I was going around in my transit van and stringing racquets in car parks and sleeping in fast-food car parks, attending different tennis clubs.

Yeah, it's all been a journey. Now it's leading on to bigger things. I'm feeling good about how it's all going.

Q. Following on from that, how difficult is it to adjust from futures events and challengers that you have been playing on to such a massive tournament like this?

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, I mean, obviously every player, it doesn't get any easier each round. But in the challengers, you know, in the semifinals, quarterfinals, you're meeting some top players, as well. Playing those tournaments the last couple of weeks and making the semis and playing ex-top 100 players and top 100 players, that's all helped for this week as well.

Q. Just a question on your dad. We know that he's your coach and he's been with you for quite a while. Just wanted to know what his background in tennis was. Did he play at a high level? How did he get you into tennis, and obviously with you on this amazing week now.

BILLY HARRIS: Yeah, I mean, he got me into tennis. He was always feeding me lots of balls when I first started, but he hasn't really got a tennis background. He can knock a few balls over the net, but that's about it really.

Yeah, he's obviously watched almost every match I have played, so he knows my game very well. He just gives me little reminders of what I'm working on and supports me every week, just the support and the team around me that just give me an extra little bit in the matches.

Q. Can we just check with your history. Do you think of yourself from Nottingham or Isle of Man? How should we refer to you in copy?

BILLY HARRIS: Born in Nottingham. Half my family is from Nottingham, so I've definitely got connections with Nottingham.

But, yeah, I grew up on the Isle of Man. That's where I started playing tennis. You know, Isle of Man's a big part of my life obviously. Both, really.

Q. Which is your football team?

BILLY HARRIS: Nottingham Forest.

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