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June 20, 2024

Lexi Thompson

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club


Q. Lexi, three straight birdies to jump start your day. Used that as a springboard to get to the top the leaderboard. How would you assess to your overall started the week?

LEXI THOMPSON: It was overall just a great day. Can't ask for better weather out there. I played solid golf. Just tried to stay in the moment. There was a lot of tough holes out there, so just tried to visualize and pick small targets and take advantage of the few birdies today that you get out there.

I felt very comfortable and I had a great day.

Q. More than a few birdies you were able to make out there today. You have a new caddie on your bag as well over the last two weeks. What impact has he had on you and your game?

LEXI THOMPSON: A great impact. I'm very grateful. Mark has helped me out dramatically. He's so positive out there. Even when I make a bogey or bad shot he's like, all right, let's just gets get it back in position and you've got this. I think that's what I need.

I can get a little bit too hard on myself sometimes and I need that person by my side to pick me up when I'm down. He's great and we have a good time out there and he keeps me smiling, so I'm enjoying him.

Q. He's helps you to a runner-up finish this past week; now here you are atop the leaderboard in a major. We're seeing some of the best golf from you this season after you announced that you're going to be stepping away. Why do you think that is?

LEXI THOMPSON: You know, I kind of clicked onto something with my golf swing just trying to simplify things out there and visualize my shots and be more comfortable. I don't think that has to do with announcing what I did. It's just a matter of being comfortable out there, playing free-swing Lexi I guess. Just enjoying being out there every step of the way.

Fans have been amazing at each and every tournament so grateful being out there.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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