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June 20, 2024

Patty Tavatanakit

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Patty Tavatanakit after her first round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Really good day for you. I see no bogeys on the card, which is rare out here today. How good is it to be bogey-free after the first round?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Actually, surprised myself to be able to do that. This course has its teeth for sure. I feel like you hit good drives, and a couple of drives I hit really good today and I ended up getting blocked by the trees.

So yeah, just got to take it shot by shot and just play what's in front of you.

Q. You're a pretty long hitter out here. Has that distance helped you out on the course today or have you been having to scale back a little to stay out of the trees?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I just played really freely today. Felt like my swings were committed and confident, so I think that's just helped. I feel like the length, if I feel confident -- I mean, if I hit it great, strike was good, I usually hit my normal distance.

So, yeah, I mean, if you hit it straight and far it is an advantage at any given course, so that has been something I've worked really hard over like couple years now.

So it's good to see that it's paying off.

Q. What was your first impression of this golf course?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It's just beautiful. I love the Northwest. Seattle is one of my favorite cities to visit and I kind of want to live here. It's just a little cold and rainy for golf.

But maybe hopefully in the future I can get like a summer home here and just come here during the summer.

Q. How many times have you been here? What have you done?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: This is my second. First time I took a vacation here actually I think three years ago for winter actually, so I kind of get the idea of what it would be like.

I actually really like no sun because I'm in the sun all year playing golf. So to get like a very cold, get to wear jackets, it's really nice. Did a lot of hiking. What else?

Ate a lot of good food and coffee is great here. Had a really good time last time I was here.

Q. What have you been working on your swing lately?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Just back to the basics. A lot of simplicity. Not fight my natural move as much.

I'm not sure if I could explain it right or correctly. Yeah, just I'm not trying to fight how my body moves so much so I can swing freely and not hurt myself, yeah.

Q. I think you had five scrambling par saves today. What were the toughest ones to get in the hole to save par?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: I don't remember. I actually don't remember. I feel like I was just like in the zone and I was just playing, taking it shot by shot today.

At the top of my head it's probably that par-3. I went a little long. I don't even remember which hole it was.

But, yeah, like that's just what you got to do out here at a major week.

Q. You just look like you're having fun. You seem like you're smiling, standing up a little bit taller. How much fun are you having on the golf course right now?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, I'm having fun. I'm at my favorite city in the country. I feel like I'm just not trying to force anything, and just I really had a lot of fun today regardless of if I hit a bad shot or a good shot.

It's just so pretty and I just get to enjoy this course; walking on this course just makes me happy already.

Q. How much did those two wins in the beginning of the year just get the monkey off the back and settle in?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Yeah, it's been a long time coming. Ever since the Saudi win. And to be able to get that off was like a huge relief almost.

And then to do it the week after in my home country was very special. I didn't think I could do that.

After that I feel like I've been playing solid. Might have played too much golf in the beginning of the season. I felt a little like -- I don't want to say burnt out because we're not even halfway yet. I felt like I played a little too much and I was getting out my mechanics a little bit.

So I learned that playing a good amount, playing good golf is enough, and don't try to push yourself and play too much because there will be a lot more tournaments down the road.

Q. What do you love about Seattle and do you have any recs?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: It's so green. Like Seattle and Portland are my two favorites. Yeah, it's just something about the green and it's just the contrast between the trees and the blue skies or sometimes gray. I don't know. It's nice.

I feel homey. I feel like -- I don't know, cuddly with the weather, too.

Q. How long was that vacation you spent up here?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: So it was about like two weeks. I spent one whole week down in Portland and then I drove up here to spend another week.

In Portland we went up to Mt. Hood in Portland, so we were like so cell service, just me in the getaway cabin.

It was really fun and I really miss it. Just something about that, you know, like the green and even the drive with all the trees. Like it's so pretty.

Q. Just wanted to ask how a lot of life has happened since you won the ANA. How has your perspective of the game changed since then?

PATTY TAVATANAKIT: Feel like I grew up a lot over the last -- this is my fifth year on tour now. Time really flies. Yeah, grew up a lot. Feel like I learned a lot about my game.

Feel like I've gotten month are acceptant. I feel more acceptance towards anything that life would throw at me on and off the course.

It's a nice mindset to have because whatever you face you're up for it.

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