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June 20, 2024

Caroline Inglis

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: Here with Caroline Inglis after her first round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. What was really working for you?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I think it was just like pretty steady. Kind of hit the fairway, try and hit the centers of the greens out here, not get too high and too low and just take what comes.

Q. Washington resident. Any sort of advantage to maybe seeing these types of courses out here practicing?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I mean, maybe. I feel like probably more comfortable just on this type of golf course but I think you still have to -- you can't fall asleep.

You still have to be really focused and like go through your routine and stuff out here, just because it is pretty narrow and can be difficult.

Q. How does this golf course specifically kind of suit your strengths and what are you still trying to navigate out there?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I feel like I'm pretty consistent just with like ball striking. Like I hit it pretty straight and it is quite a narrow golf course; so that's helpful.

But, yeah, I think the challenge is just seeing how -- if it firms up at all, if the greens get faster at all.

It was interesting today. When I tee'd off at 12:00 they were way faster than they were on the last few holes. I know I left a couple short on the last few holes.

So just could have kind of adjusting to the conditions.

Q. That local knowledge, maybe you have a little bit of, is there a trick to playing well? Is it a grass type? Is there a trick to playing well here?

CAROLINE INGLIS: I can't give away...

I'm just kidding. No, I don't think it's a trick. I mean, poana, we play on poana a decent amount, the greens. These are like less bumpy than, say, ShopRite, which is nice.

I think it's just not letting the bumpiness and the slowness the way it grows out like bother you honestly. Just taking it for what it comes, knowing it's going to be slower in the afternoons, and it is what it is.

Q. Did you see -- obviously got a couple lower numbers and 2-under. Even a 2-under out here is pretty solid. Did you see something under par out there for yourself today or even this week?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, this golf course is so out in front of you. It's kind of obvious. You know you have to hit it here. If you do that and execute, for sure.

Lexi is what, 5-under right now. Totally makes sense. I mean, yeah.

Q. Looking ahead next three days, a lot of golf left. But to get off to a solid start in a major championship at a venue that looks like that off the tee box, how much confidence does that give you?

CAROLINE INGLIS: Yeah, it's good. Feels good. It's nice to see the work that I've been putting in pay off a little. It's one day. Got three more days, so just keep doing what I'm doing.

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