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June 20, 2024

Scottie Scheffler

Cromwell, Connecticut, USA

TPC River Highlands

Quick Quotes

Q. Another solid round for you. Nice to get off to good start. What worked well for you today?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I feel like I hit it nice. Found some swings, or found some stuff in my swing at the beginning of the week, and definitely feel like I'm swinging a lot better than I did last week.

Q. Anything you want to divulge on the swing there?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: It's kind of hard to explain, to be honest with you. But just really getting better feel coming at the top of my swing, making sure my grip's kind of in the right position.

Q. (No Microphone.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I don't know if changed the way I played too much, I would say No. 12 definitely changed. That's a hole where I would usually try and get driver down there to the bottom. Today I hit 3-wood there instead because driver was going to go through the fairway. I did really like the changes, I didn't feel like they did too much. They did what I would call just enough to kind of bring in a few more challenges and still without kind of taking away the character of a lot of holes.

Q. What happened on No. 6?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I hit it in the bunker, and the way these bunkers are the ball just rolls right into the lip. And then I tried to hit it out and it hit the lip and then went into the lip of the next bunker, and I hit it up by the green and got up-and-down.

Q. (Question about the heat.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: I wasn't chilly this morning, I'm definitely not chilly now. But it is, it's different, because where I live it doesn't -- like, I looked at the weather for next week, it basically doesn't get below 80 degrees. Here when you wake up there's a little bit of a break in the morning where it still feels cool. But, yeah, during the rest of the day it was definitely still pretty warm out there.

Q. (No Microphone.)

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Yeah, yeah, so she lives near the city, and my parents have a place where they live in the city as well, so I think they, all three of them took the train up today. I don't know if they're staying up here, going back, I didn't see them this morning before they got in, so I'll find out today at lunch.

Q. Since you've gone to the mallet putter I think last week was the first time you lost strokes in a tournament. Just how did you kind of rebound with that club this week? Was it you felt better with the stroke or just different greens, not as fast?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Mostly different greens. I struggled seeing the break on the greens last week. I had a hard time finding the right line. I felt like I hit a lot of good putts that came off the way I wanted to, and I looked up and they were just not even really close to going in at times. So that can always be a bit frustrating, but it's nice to get here on some familiar surfaces and hit some good putts and see some balls go in.

Q. How did the eagle at 13 get you restarted after a stretch of pars?

SCOTTIE SCHEFFLER: Well, I had given myself a good amount of looks there in that little stretch. This is a golf course you've got to be patient around. I hit two really great shots in there to give myself a look, and then I got a nice read off Max's putt and was able to knock that in.

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