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June 20, 2024

Arpichaya Yubol

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Arpichaya Yubol after her first round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. You played really well at the U.S. Women's Open and now off to a great start here to the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. What is it about the major championships this year that you have been playing so good.

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I think today I'm just going to play golf, like every hole, like every shot, like I can control. I think the good thing for me, I like to play the golf course, like too hard golf course.

I see the U.S. Women's Open, like the golf course is too hard and I can do the par and do birdie, like the hole I can do.

This week, too. It's still too hard golf course. It's a major week. So I just control the ball I can control and just try to do the best my shot every hole, yeah.

Q. What makes this golf course so hard for you this week?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I think the first thing like the fairway is too narrow. If you miss the fairway, it's will be a little bit hard because the rough is too long and many hole, like par-4, I see it's over 400. Like many hole, if you miss the fairway it's too hard for you to make the birdie or to make a par.

So I try to focus the shot with driver, like every hole try to hit on the fairway and today I'm doing good.

Q. Did you like this golf course the first time you saw it?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: (Laughter.) Okay, the first time and first hole and the first tee for me, I hit the driver, lost ball, so that make me, okay, this week will be hard for me.

So you have to focus every shot and every driver with golf course. Yeah, I feel like it's too hard every hole, like if you miss the fairway it's will be hard for you.

Q. No lost balls after that though?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: No, just one. Yes.

Q. We saw you play really well at the U.S. Women's Open. How much confidence did that week give you?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: Actually after U.S. Women's Open I doing great on the ShopRite, and I still can doing great on the Meijer; I can made the cut.

It feel like the golf, like play four week in a row I feel like a little bit tired on this week, so I have to back to the home and then rest more than I can, because like you have to save power to walk and to do.

So I think this week it's too hard enough, but it's good rest is really important, too, yeah.

Q. What have you been working on to get ready for this week having been playing so well? Doesn't sound like you needed to work on a lot. What have you been working on to prep yourself for this week?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I think this golf course is like too hard, so the thinking is really important. Like you cannot do birdie every hole. Just play safe and make the par is really good for you already.

So when your opportunity coming to make like the easy birdie and then you made it, that's your bonus, yeah.

Q. What's the best part of your game right now, from the U.S. Women's Open to now? What's been clicking so well?

ARPICHAYA YUBOL: I think first thing for me, my driver so good. (Indiscernible) some hole but still on the fairway.

And my putter, yeah, it working. Do the birdie, like I can do, and save par I can do; yeah.

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