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June 20, 2024

Akie Iwai

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Akie Iwai after your first round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Can you just take us through the round today, some of the highlights out there?

AKIE IWAI: It was very tough course, but I did shot well, so especially tee shot, yeah.

Q. Tee shot was good?

AKIE IWAI: Tee shot.

Q. Any birdies you can remember out there? Can you take us through any the birdies that you made, whatever stands out to you. >

AKIE IWAI: I think No. 7 hole, second shot.

The left yard to the pin 135, yeah. I was hit 9-iron, so, yeah, very nice feel.

Yeah. One meter. Nice birdie.

Q. Perfect. You're coming in hot off a win in Japan. Can you take us through the travel schedule to get here and how you're feeling?

AKIE IWAI: Not tired. I feel good. (Thumbs up.)

Q. When did you arrive?

AKIE IWAI: Monday -- Sunday, Sunday night.

Q. You left on Sunday in Japan and arrived on Sunday --


Q. Can you tell us about you and your sister and your relationship and how you're similar and how you're different in terms of personality or game?

AKIE IWAI: Good putting touch, so...

Q. What are you best at? You say your sister is the good putter. What is your best...

AKIE IWAI: Driver shot.

Q. What about personality-wise?

AKIE IWAI: Personality? (Laughter.) (Translator off microphone.) She plays more aggressively and her sister plays a little more conservatively and things about things.

Q. So can you tell us about when you started in the game? You start at the same time? Are you competitive with each other?

AKIE IWAI: Yeah, same time. Since I was eight, yeah.

Q. Are you really competitive? Do you want to beat each other?

AKIE IWAI: (Nods.) Yes.

Q. You guys compete against each other?


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