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June 20, 2024

Amy Yang

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Amy Yang after her first round at the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Really good round for you today. What was going well in your game today?

AMY YANG: I was striking the ball really well, like all this week. Even last week, too. You know how tight those fairways are and how important to keep the ball in the fairway.

Yeah, my driver was working really well, and that gave me a lot of like good chance to go for the green and go for the pin. Yeah, just like that.

Q. You started off with a birdie on your first hole. What was the mentality going into the first tee shot of the major?

AMY YANG: Yeah, I was nervous, excited about major, and all I did was just let's see what I can do this hole and this shot.

You know, I hit a really good tee shot and had a pitching wedge in my hand, and with pitching wedge it was earlier to get it closer, yeah.

Q. What did you find with your game today that maybe clicked that really helped you put a number together?

AMY YANG: Just the technical stuff I've been working with my swing is finally coming along.

I don't know, I feel good about like how I am striking the ball, and that connects to how I played out here.

Q. You played in '16 and played pretty well if I remember correctly.

AMY YANG: I saw the result but it's been a while so I don't remember much.

Q. For the golf course, do you remember much about the golf course from 2016?


Q. Is there anywhere on tour that we've played that really helps you prepare for this tight of a golf course?

AMY YANG: You know, it's more mental thing and how I prepare with technical stuff. Then I've been working on my swing like all year, all season, and it's been little on and off, but feel finally comfortable with it.

It's just like what I see out there, yeah.

Q. Do you mind me asking what you're working on in your swing, any parts specifically?

AMY YANG: It's more rhythm related, yeah.

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