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June 20, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Sammamish, Washington, USA

Sahalee Country Club

Quick Quotes

THE MODERATOR: All right, here with Allisen Corpuz. 2-under here to the KPMG Women's PGA Championship. Just take us through the round today and the challenges of the golf course that you saw out there.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, played pretty solid throughout the whole round. Made I think one bogey, three birdies.

There is just a few par-4s I think that played pretty tough just with the distance. Luckily hit it pretty straight today. Hit a lot of fairways and greens.

But it does feel like a course where once you're out of position it's tough to get back on track.

Q. You're a major champion; found success on tricky golf course. What do you like about this course?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I love the look of it. It's just pretty different from anything we play, tree-lined and really tall trees.

It's just a beautiful walk. I mean, you go out there and it's just a few doglegs, and I really like how the course sets up. Just feel like every major championship plays tough and it's fun.

Q. Being an Open champion, what is wired inside you that likes the tough stuff?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think just the grind for par. Still kind of working on going on like the birdie streaks, but I feel like weeks like this where par is always going to be a good score, I'm just pretty good at staying calm and, yeah, just playing it a little safer.

Q. Can you take us through couple of your birdies?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, birdied 18 to make the turn.

Birdied I believe it's 14 up the hill. Hit a 5-iron to like three feet.

Birdied No. 6, another par-5. Got it up greenside and made an up and down from about 40 yards.

And, yep, three of them.

Q. After such a monster year last year, has there been a period of readjusting expectations? And kind of how have you managed that looking into what you expected for this year?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I really came into the year trying not to set the expectations. I think it still happened anyway. You're always trying to get better.

And I mean, it feels like the game has been coming around. Definitely feels like it's in a good spot now. Yeah, just always trying to work to get better.

Q. How would you compare it now to Pebble?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Pebble I think -- I don't know if I'll ever have a ball striking week that good. (Laughter.)

Q. It was special. One more. Obviously last week T5. Really good result; ton of birdies out there. How much did that help you prepare for the week?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, Meijer is a course that I've played the last three years. Every simple year I like having it on the schedule. Always falls around the KPMG.

One, just getting the competition in helps. It's just a course that kind of the design suits my eye as well: a lot of fairways and greens that get narrow.

Just getting a little more dialed in on like the driver lines off the tee helps a lot.

Q. There is a lot of rankings points for the Olympics on the line this week. Is that something that's in the back of your mind that you can make a big push?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think it's an outside chance. More just if it happens, it happens. But if it doesn't, still have a lot of good things to look forward to.

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