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June 20, 2024

Jack Bigham

Lancashire, England, United Kingdom

Quick Quotes

Q. A good day at the office, really, two wins. Just generally sum up the day?

JACK BIGHAM: This morning, got off to a bit of a slow start in the morning, straightened out after nine. And then played well on the back nine. I wasn't too worried because I played well in the back nine in the second round of stroke play.

So, yeah, I just played well on the back nine this morning, ended up getting it done on the 17, which was nice.

And then this morning got off to a great start. I think I was 3-up after 4. So that helped. And then I carried on playing well for the rest of it.

Q. Trusting fortunes, then, if you were going to be done at the tournament fairly early --

JACK BIGHAM: No, yeah, it was. From the first match to this afternoon, it was quite a bit different. But I've been playing well. Just keep it going.

Q. Interesting, a lot can change quickly in match play, but nine holes to go, and you've got an uphill struggle as well?

JACK BIGHAM: Yeah, it's been nice having a caddie on my bag. He's been able to keep me not being too frustrated. So that helps massively.

But, yeah, I've been playing well. So I knew it was going to happen at some point.

Q. Who's your caddie?

JACK BIGHAM: He's called Gary Foley. He's a local caddie here.

Q. Was that a particular -- you sourced him out?

JACK BIGHAM: No, just luck of the draw in the end. Yeah, but really happy now with it.

Q. Momentum building as well. You get to this stage, does the mind start to think about the little things for winning this?

JACK BIGHAM: Obviously that's in the back of the mind. But it's just kind of trying to block it out and just take one match at a time. I mean, there's a bunch of great players in this field. But, yeah, I've been playing well, like I said. Hopefully that can happen.

Q. Yeah, I mean, you've got a good match play pedigree as well. Is that going to play into your streak?

JACK BIGHAM: Hopefully. Yeah, hopefully. I really like match play. So, yeah, I mean, just take one match at a time and every hole at a time.

Q. Do you feel like last year's Walker Cup and that experience really adds something when you come to the Amateur?

JACK BIGHAM: Yeah, it does. I mean, the crowds there, I mean, I couldn't even tell you anywhere near how many people were there.

So, yeah, it's good. When I come here now, it calms the nerves a little bit when I get on the first tee and when I'm playing. So I'm just building off that experience, when I played the two matches there.

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