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June 18, 2024

Daniel Evans

London, England, UK

Queens Club

Press Conference


4-6, 6-3 [Ret.]

THE MODERATOR: Sorry about the injury, Dan. Can you just briefly talk about what's going on.

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I think I just slipped. Yeah, so we'll see a bit more in next 48 hours, get a scan and stuff.

Yeah, I think that's one of the tough parts about grass court tennis. These things can happen. But, yeah, unfortunately it's to me today.


Q. Similar but different thing happened to Tiafoe yesterday. Kokkinakis also slipped. A few players have said that the courts here are slippery, more than other courts. How do you feel about the court?

DANIEL EVANS: I mean, everybody gets a choice where they enter. I was just actually saying before I come in that when there is no sun around, that's just how grass court tennis is. It can be a little bit difficult to move.

You know, it was a cloudy, overcast day. I didn't think the court was that slippy. Obviously some parts of the court don't get played on that much, and that's part and parcel of the grass, I think. I mean, there was no other slips in the match. I didn't think the court was bad, to be honest. I thought it was a good grass court court.

You know, it's not an ideal day to be playing on grass. A bit of moisture in the air, but that's that, yeah.

Q. Can you clarify what exactly was the knee injury? Is it ligaments? Is it a risk for Wimbledon, even the Olympics? How worried are you?

DANIEL EVANS: I'm worried, no doubt. I mean, good thing, I thought it was my groin. That settled down pretty much straightaway. Had a crack in my groin, but that seemed to be okay. No real pain.

But I think it's MCL, sort of a bit inside of the knee, there is an issue there, that's for sure on the testing so far with the physios.

So, yeah, I've got to wait 48 hours, let it settle, and then get a scan. Yeah, I'm worried, yeah. That's the bottom line, of course. Yeah, I'm in limbo a bit.

It's frustrating after October and now this. Yeah, if I miss the Olympics or Wimbledon, yeah, it would be a tough one to swallow, no doubt.

Q. When you first went down, did you fear the worst, the initial pain?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah. Yeah, that's probably the worst thing you can do on the grass, your body go one way, and we have all seen that sort of motion before. You wince if you're watching, and you hope it's not too bad if it's happening to you.

You know, touch wood I have been lucky with injuries, and the last one was a difficult one, but come back. There is positive signs, and there is obviously negatives, as well.

Q. I know there's a lot of hypotheticals right now, but if you are waiting 48 hours, does that mean you can't play the doubles here with Andy? Going forward, if you guys need practice for the Olympics, would you look to do it elsewhere if you were ready?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, I'm not going to play doubles here. Yeah, I have pulled out of the doubles already, so I need to look after -- and Andy hopefully is going to win. So, you know, he might get in another few matches here, and obviously I have not let him down, but I'm not fit to play. Hopefully if he keeps going in the singles.

Q. How does it feel at the moment mentally for you? Obviously it's been a tough season anyway, and it must feel like it's just obstacle after obstacle. Is there a certain way of you coping with this? How do you feel you can bounce back, depending on what you hear in the next 48 hours?

DANIEL EVANS: Yeah, there is a few ways you can cope with it, I guess. I don't know. I'm just -- yeah, I'm heartbroken at the minute, to be honest. Yeah, it's tough.

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