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June 17, 2024

Cameron Norrie

London, England, UK

Queens Club

Press Conference

M. RAONIC/C. Norrie

6-7, 6-3, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Tough match out there today. Just talk us through it.

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, there's not much really to say other than he won the last point and he served unreal. Too good.

Q. Have you ever faced a serve quite like that? What's it like? You have to guess or just talk us through what it's like out there facing something like that.

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I think even before the match I said he's probably got the best serve I have ever faced. Yeah, it's tricky. He has all the spots.

Yeah, my coach told me a little bit, maybe try cover the slice on the second serve, and I think he hit like six or seven aces the other way after that. So it's tough.

But, no, I was honestly proud about my level. I gave myself a lot of chances. My concentration was great, playing great, I enjoyed it. But too good.

Q. You have obviously still got doubles. It obviously hurts losing at home, losing a really close one, and doubles you have to get yourself up again, but how long will it take you to kind of deal with that?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, to be honest, it's tough, but I played great. I'm happy with my attitude, the way I played out there, especially against a server like that. I played really well in both tiebreaks.

Yeah, it's tough. I'd like to have a few more matches before Wimbledon, but it's going to pay off eventually. Just need to keep going for it.

Match point, I missed backhand long by a little bit. Maybe a bit too aggressive. Maybe in the past I maybe would have guided it and maybe won the match, but hopefully in the longer term, those kind of shots can pay off in even bigger matches than a first round here at Queen's.

We're all devastated in my team, but it was a good level. Can be proud about how I competed.

Q. Is there a conscious effort with you at the moment to try and play more aggressive, to be a more aggressive player?

CAMERON NORRIE: I think just giving myself options, trying to keep evolving my game. I think for three years I played very predictable tennis. Was still successful, but I think if I keep playing now, I can obviously stay at this level, but I need to keep improving to give myself a chance to be back at the very top of the game, and it's going to take a lot of tough losses like this, I think.

But hopefully my philosophy, it's going to pay off longer term and I'm going to see this level is going to rise and I can play a bit more on instinct when it does come further in a bigger tournament.

The way I'm practicing has been great, but it means nothing. But I'm happy with the way I'm progressing, and it was a very high level. Today I was impressed with Milos. He deserved it in the end. I'd say maybe I had a couple more chances in the match but not by much.

Yeah, he served very, very well. Very accurate.

Q. A tough couple of three-set losses for you now. What do you think you need to get over that line, or do you think today is literally just that he serves too good?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, just a couple points in it. Yeah, just keep working and I've got another amazing tournament to look forward to in Wimbledon. There is no point to be disappointed for too long.

I think my three-set match-percentage win is extremely high, I would say. Losing a couple of tougher ones recently. But learning, and yeah, it was a great match.

Q. Do you feel you're good at kind of maintaining your positive perspective and keeping your head on the long term rather than dwelling on a tough loss?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I think in my career I'm pretty decent at it. Yeah, I think taking losses like this, I think you need to trust yourself even more.

Hopefully I can take that, yeah, just not flinch, you know. Keep going and keep working, and everything is unreal. I'm still playing the best tournaments in the world, in front of home crowd, I'm healthy. Everything is good. But it's tough to take losses like this, but it's good fun, good challenge.

Q. Just switching and focusing to your doubles now, how determined does a match like this make up for you?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I'm looking forward to sharing the court with Jack. It's good to play some doubles on the grass and play another match on the match courts here at Queen's.

I'm excited. We have entered doubles a few times and actually never made it onto the court, so hopefully he's up for it, and hopefully I can pick his brains on a few things and what's working for him on the grass.

He's playing unreal. I'm pumped to be on the court with him again. I'm close with his coach, James Trotman, as well. We are going to have some good practices.

I think Jack has a good chance this week to go really deep, and I'm excited to watch him in the singles as well.

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