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June 17, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Game 5: Postgame

Boston Celtics 106, Dallas Mavericks 88

Q. Jrue, how would you describe the dominance of this run, 16-3, highest winning percentage a Celtics championship team has had, surpassing the '86 team. How impressive was the run?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Yeah, I feel like it was impressive. I feel like what people expected us to do or doubted us to do, we did. So shout out to this team and this organization. We did it together, and that was the only way that we could do it was together.

Q. You guys have a lot of history in those rafters, and you added some more tonight, or eventually will once the banner goes up. What do you want people to remember about this team 50, 60 years from now when they look back on this run?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Man, that we did it together. I hope that when people watch us play, they see the joy that we play with, that we love playing together, and we got it done together. I feel like that's the most important thing.

Q. What does it mean to you to see Al Horford become an NBA champion and to help make that happen?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Yeah, it's crazy to look back. Before I was trying not to make that happen, and then obviously once I became his teammate, it was like one of the ultimate goals of this season.

Knowing the type of person that Al is, knowing the leader that he is, even off the court, the father that he is, just the all-around great person and great human, I'd run through a brick wall for him. I'm so happy that he got one.

Q. Does this one feel different than the other one?

JRUE HOLIDAY: No. It doesn't. Winning's always great. When you do it with people that you love to do it with, it feels great. When you see your teammates celebrating and jumping on each other and throwing champagne, there's nothing like it.

Q. When you joined this team, you spoke about being a part of a championship-caliber organization. You said, I'm a Boston Celtic. Now that you are one of the Boston Celtics who has risen a banner in the rafters, how does that feel reflecting on where you are at, traded to Portland and two days later got here?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It's been a journey, you know. I think just being able to, I don't know, maybe reflect on it right now, it's crazy. It seemed like it was yesterday, sitting there with Wyc and him introducing me and just kind of handing me the jersey and everything.

And then fast-forward to now, it's like insane. But I'm blessed to be here, and I'm so happy to be here and I'm so happy Brad gave me that call to come through, and JT texting me, hitting me up, talking about "Come on, Champ." It's been a hell of a journey.

Q. You've been on the other side of the Jaylen and Jayson connection. What's it like seeing that brotherhood?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It's great. I think I've spoken on this plenty of times, but they get scrutinized so much and they get so much pressure put on them for not winning or making it to the Eastern Conference Finals eight years in a row, or even making it to the Finals and not getting over that hump.

But I feel like people finally see the relationship that they have. They see that from the beginning, they have always done it together. They have never compared against each other. They have always been joyful and happy for each other.

So it's been great to experience on this side, and to be on this side and get this win, hopefully it's a burden off of their shoulders. But another burden is doing it again.

Q. You've talked all year about how different Joe is compared to coaches you've had in the past. How much did he help shape your success this year?

JRUE HOLIDAY: He's done a great job. He's definitely elevated my game. Had me look kind of outside of myself and bring something different, you know.

On previous teams where maybe I had to score more or handle the ball more, here it was more about being available and knocking down corner threes and rebounding. Doing things that help this team because of the talent that we have.

You know, he really opened my eyes to that and from the beginning really just made it known that whatever it takes, as long as it takes, we've got to get it done, and I'm not the only one on this team sacrificing. Everybody on this team sacrificed something.

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