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June 17, 2024

Joe Mazzulla

Boston Celtics

Game 5: Pregame

Q. Kristaps is available, how available?

JOE MAZZULLA: Yeah, he's available. Expect to see him tonight.

Q. You're obviously a young coach who came into the head coaching job for one of the most historic franchises in the NBA, and you've enjoyed a lot of success in your short time here. You're viewed as an inspiration for a lot of young people across the world. What advice would you give to all these young people who see you as a role model?

JOE MAZZULLA: Have faith and execute what's necessary to win Game 5.

Q. Is it fair to say, then, that Kristaps is farther along than not quite ready from the other night?


Q. Jayson said the message to the team the other night was have fun and guys were focusing too much on trying to end the series. As a result of that, did you see guys not exactly sticking to the way you had been playing and trying too hard? How did you see that play out in Game 4?

JOE MAZZULLA: I mean, it wasn't necessarily Game 4. It was the time after Game 3 leading up to our time together yesterday. So, I think it's just kind of getting the general temperature of the team. Kind of figuring out where we're at. And, you know, regardless of where we are at, the series, you always have small resets like that throughout anything.

So thought that was just kind of the temperature of our team and making sure we are in the proper space to be ready to execute.

Q. Just one more on KP. Any minutes restrictions or anything specific that might limit him tonight?


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