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June 16, 2024

Justin Lower

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. When you made that putt there was a chance to shoot even par. When that went in, what was the thought?

JUSTIN LOWER: Well, my goal was to shoot under par today. I just wanted to end on a good note. Even still a good note, but I wanted to get one round under par just to say I did it.

I had a chance coming in there, and I hit some good shots. 17, I don't know, I hit a perfect shot, I thought, and it looked like it grazed right past the hole and went just over the green, and Sam hit an even better shot and it still went over the green. I can't imagine what that hole is going to be like later this evening.

I was just trying to get under par.

Q. Just a few minutes since you finished up, but can you describe this week, what this week has been like?

JUSTIN LOWER: It's been okay. It hasn't been everything I thought it would be, but it rarely ever is. It's been cool. Today was obviously cool just being Father's Day and whatnot, and with my past and kind of with my life now, being a dad, it's just really cool to play on this day for sure.

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