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June 16, 2024

Sam Burns

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Just some opening statements about your round.

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I think anytime you can go bogey-free in a U.S. Open, that's always a good thing. When I missed or was a little off, I was in the right spot and was able to get it up-and-down.

Putted it really well the last few days. I think it's just difficult to get the ball close to those pins.

To be able to make a bunch of pars, kind of keep the momentum going, was nice.

Q. This is probably going to be your best major finish. Can you talk about the week in general?

SAM BURNS: Yeah, I enjoyed playing this golf course. I thought it was an extremely fair setup. Obviously extremely difficult. But it's right there in front of you. You know where you're supposed to hit it. You know if you hit it in certain spots, it's going to go off the green and it's going to go into a collection area. I like that aspect of the golf course.

But yeah, it was a solid week.

Q. What we might see with the leaders coming down the stretch...

SAM BURNS: Yeah, with 13 being drivable, it'll be a good hole. If you hit a good tee shot, it's a fairly straightforward up-and-down from short of the green. Where the pin on 14 and 15 are is difficult. Having 16 downwind makes that hole much easier. 17 is pretty straightforward, a little tricky with the wind in out of the left, and then 18 kind of down off the left, if you hit a good tee shot, I think it becomes a birdie hole.

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