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June 16, 2024

Russell Henley

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Five birdies today; what was the difference today?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I putted great. I had a lot of great par saves. I just felt like my chipping was really good on the back nine. Made some good 15-, 20- foot birdie putts. Made a lot of putts inside 10 feet. Really happy.

Q. If you're able to hit some good shots to the greens, can you make birdies today?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I think you can. It's just tricky out there. Like the other three days, it's just tricky. The wind is different today than it has been. It's a different direction. Some holes are playing shorter, some are playing longer. Yeah, it's definitely doable.

Q. How would you compare your first couple days to your final round as far as your game itself?

RUSSELL HENLEY: I feel like I hit my driver just a little bit more consistent, and I putted phenomenal today.

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