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June 16, 2024

Grace Kim

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Grace, just a fight until the very, very end. Overall what do you take away from today?

GRACE KIM: I mean, I think going the three playoff holes with the Player of the Year last year, two major champions and obviously Lexi just being an icon for women's golf says a lot about my game I guess.

Obviously didn't get it done. Yeah, it sucks, but I think I can see myself I guess in the future as well. Just how much I've grown as well. It's only my second year out, and to be in this position it's as you can tell overwhelming.

Q. What were some of the thoughts you had on the back nine to be bogey-free on your back nine, to get yourself back into that playoff? What was going through your mind and what was the mentality you had, especially on that closing hole?

GRACE KIM: I didn't know where we were all standing at. Just want to make sure I was focusing on my own game, obviously one shot at a time.

Yeah, the nerves kicked in, but made sure I used that as good energy rather than bad as much as I could. Yeah, I mean, we all played solid golf. It was tough out there. The wind gusted every time we tried to set up over the ball.

So I mean we all took our time and I guess made sure each shot really counted.

Q. Those birdie putts you had on 18, is twice in the playoff, what was going through your mind? What were some of the -- when you saw the ball drop what were those emotions like going to do third?

GRACE KIM: I don't know if I sighed externally but I definitely sighed internally. Obviously we all had to birdie and it was a birdieable opportunity. Yeah, it was nerve-wracking for sure to be in that atmosphere with the two greatest player of all-time and to be around these crowds.

I think these crowds definitely make it for sure this week. Again, I've said it about how times already. Even on the shuttle ride back to the clubhouse they were all cheering for me even though I didn't make it. Yeah, that meant a lot.

Q. You talked about it yesterday, about holding your own. You definitely talk about it. Do you feel like a different player than maybe even the player that won at LOTTE and the player back at LA?

GRACE KIM: Yeah, big time. I think again, just seeing how much improvements I've gone through, obviously it's credit -- all the credits go to my team to push me this far, and to get to these opportunities is, you know, unbelievable. To be able to play against these players in certain conditions and playoff for three holes, I think we all know we played some good damn golf.

Yeah, it's just making sure you have a good circle around you and I think I have that.

Q. What do you take from not only from the playoff experience, being in contention, but your game with a major ahead, KPMG, a major that you saw Hannah Green win back in the day as a Karrie Webb Scholarship recipient. I know that major means a lot to you. What does it mean to have this game you have right now going into that?

GRACE KIM: Yeah, obviously that was a highlight of one of my I guess junior careers. Just to see Hannah do it and get it done was unbelievable.

Again, yeah, I know I'm hitting it good. Doing all the right things. Just things have to kind of go my way as well. It's not just about hitting good shots. It's about better luck as well.

Excited for Sahalee next week. Haven't been there before and I know it's going to be a course that I'm going to like. Yeah, really looking forward to it and hopefully try and do it again.

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