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June 16, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Allisen, valiant effort in this final round. Overall how are you feeling after day four?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, pretty happy. Wish a few putts dropped, but played really solid. I mean, bogey-free, can never really complain about that.

Just hopefully taking some good momentum into next week.

Q. What was the kind of crowd, atmosphere like out here for this final day? We talked about it all week, but to have this support out there, what did that mean to you?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, really, really awesome. I mean, I feel like Meijer just always turns out. This is my third year here, and it's awesome to see how many people come out.

Had a high school friend come out and his parents and then my host family as well, so it really is just like such a nice spot to come back to.

Q. I think overall, just this week in general, what does it say about the state of your game and what you have been preparing for with a major now upon us again?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, feels like my game is just moving in the right direction. Finally feel like I saw putts dropping, hit some really good shots, so just going to keep working hard and see how the rest of the season goes.

Q. Sahalee in front of you. Have you ever seen Sahalee? Been looking at the course there, pictures or Google Maps?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I actually remember watching Brooke in a playoff, right? I don't know what year, 2018 --

Q. 2016.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: 2016, thank you. So I've seen the last two holes just because I remember watching her finish it out. But honestly, haven't seen too much of it.

I've heard really good things though.

Q. In general, what are you focusing on now that you take away from this week heading into a major week? Is there any kind of change in routine, anything you're particularly focusing on?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Not really. I think under pressure I just get a little quick, so always just working on tempo and really just treating it like another tournament week.

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