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June 16, 2024

Jrue Holiday

Boston Celtics

Practice Day

Q. What did you notice that the Mavs did defensively in Game 4, specifically Luka?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think they were just a tougher team. I think they locked into tendencies and played defense as a team and played very well.

Q. Deep down, is this where you wanted to be to close it out?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I think deep down, however long it takes, whatever it takes. No matter where it is.

Q. What was your reaction to just all the starters sitting in the third quarter there? What was running through your head of rest of the game?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Nobody likes to get beat like that at any point in anybody's career in the season. But in the Finals, it also doesn't feel good. So really just want to get back out there and play again.

Q. I know you're focused on Game 5, but what does it mean to be a dad on Father's Day for you?

JRUE HOLIDAY: It's great. I was actually the first one up today, which is weird. I'm usually sleeping in. But it was cool just to have the kids. Got breakfast and really just enjoyed seeing them. I mean, being lovey and playing around. It's been a great morning.

Q. After that game, is it a matter of adjustments or intensity for Game 5?

JRUE HOLIDAY: I don't know, a little bit of both. I think that they adjusted and they played very, very hard and very desperate. We have to do the same thing.

Q. What's that like, spending Father's Day practicing for Game 5?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Working on Father's Day kind of sucks. You would think as fathers, we would get the whole day off. But I guess you guys want to talk to us.

Father's Day is cool. I think this is maybe the second time that I've been in this type of situation, either on my birthday or Father's Day, where I'm still working. I'm not too mad at it, but I would like the day off.

Q. This team last year was down 0-3 against Miami; I know you weren't with them. How helpful is it that those guys have been on the other side of this and know the intensity that the Mavericks are bringing to the series?

JRUE HOLIDAY: Yeah, it's huge. Made it all the way back to Game 7. Knowing that feeling and remembering that feeling and using that feeling to boost our play and intensity is something that I obviously rely on them for.

Q. Are you bothered by the way Game 4 was lost?

JRUE HOLIDAY: No. Again, I think a loss is a loss. It doesn't matter how it was lost or by how many points. I'm a competitor and I think we're competitors, and we want to win every game. You just have to take it on the chin, just like we did, and come back and try to prepare for Game 5.

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