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June 16, 2024

Josh Green

Dallas Mavericks

Practice Day

Q. Who are the top three trash talkers in the league right now?

JOSH GREEN: I put Luka up for sure. Luka, Patrick Beverley. I don’t know. The third one is up for debate.

Q. Who is your G.O.A.T.?

JOSH GREEN: My G.O.A.T. is Kobe Bryant. Growing up, that's the reason I play basketball. That’s the person I pretended to be like.

Q. How do you balance your professional life with your personal life?

JOSH GREEN: I think it's definitely a bit of a challenge when you get to be where you feel like you do have spare time, and it's finding out the best ways to be able to use that spare time. For me, I enjoy being around my family and playing video games. I love FIFA. So that's usually what I do in my spare time. I love coffee. So I tend to really just do that type of thing.

Q. How can I get your bounce?

JOSH GREEN: Just drink a lot of water, man. That's my advice.

Q. Feels like you and some of the other players stepped up in that game. Was that juice from the crowd or finally getting comfortable in the series?

JOSH GREEN: I think it's a little bit of everything. I think it's do-or-die, and I think we know that we weren't playing to the level that we should be playing. So I think whenever we play games like that, it's enjoyable. I think we need to continue to ride that momentum and make the adjustments from the game that we won and be ready to go for tomorrow night.

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