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June 15, 2024

Collin Morikawa

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Collin Morikawa, 4-under, 66. Good score today. What was working well for you?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Everything. Made up and downs, putted a lot from off the fringe. Just made the putts that I needed to. Yesterday I think I missed everything that I could have made. First day was kind of a little bit of both. So it was nice to see putts go in. Just kind of build that hopefully for tomorrow.

Look, even par, I was trying to get to that today. Very happy.

THE MODERATOR: We'll open it up for questions.

Q. Statistically that was the best putting performance of your career. Did it feel like that or...

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I mean, no. I think I putted better at the Open, to be honest. The Open I made everything when I won in '21.

Yeah, I mean, numbers don't lie. I'll take that.

I mean, look, after yesterday's round, didn't really do much. I just felt like they were getting really bumpy yesterday late in the day. They got a little crusty. Sometimes they just don't fall.

Today I just kind of made sure I stuck with everything that we've been working on. It was nice to see the first one go in and build off that.

Q. When you post a 66 like this, do you adjust your game plan? It's going to be hotter and firmer in the afternoon. What are going to be some of your goals heading into Sunday?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: To win. I mean, look, if I play the way I did today, who knows what could happen. This course is only going to get tougher. I know it's not going to be easy. Today was not easy by any means. I just put it in the right spot, kept the ball in front of me, really just played very simple golf.

Q. You're coming in nine strokes back. Was there a number in your head you were trying to get to? Does that impact how you're playing? Are you a little more aggressive?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: Like I said, I was trying to get to even. You can't be aggressive out here. I think if you're aggressive, it can put you in really bad spots. You got to just kind of take your 30-footers. If you have a wedge, sometimes you're able to go at pins. Didn't play the par 5s as well as I have been.

Look, you can't play aggressive out here at all. You play aggressive to the right parts, you take what you can. If you get lucky, you get lucky.

Q. Was there any mental game or attitude-wise that you felt was better today than yesterday? Do you feel the same?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: No, just the body was a little out of sync yesterday. Wasn't swinging it as well. Watched some videos of the coverage. Just looked a little quick. For me, whenever it's quick, it's never good. Just tried to be a little bit more patient out there, really stick to what I felt. Just execute as best I can.

Out here you can't play defensive golf. If you play defensive golf, it goes offline a little bit more, you're 35 yards away from the pin.

Q. Obviously the scores reflect it seems like it's getting firmer out there. What in your mind is the biggest difference with the way the course played today compared to the last couple days?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I'd say it played the same. Very hard. My 4-under could have easily been the other way. When you play really smart golf out here, I wouldn't say it's rewarding, but you have to be able to put it in the right spots and take advantage when you do.

Today, like I said, I made the putts that I needed to. Made up and downs. Made everything essentially. That's the only way you're going to score out here.

Q. Guys in the past have said this kind of golf is fun, but for one week. If it was every week, it would be too much. If every week was like this, do you think you would win more or less? Would you be up for that?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I don't know if I'd be up for it. We'd be so stressed out every week. You're playing 20 to 25 events a year. I would need way more time off than what we have.

Does it suit me a little bit better? Yeah. No, I can't say that. I've shot rounds 25, 30 under par, as well. I think I've played well in both styles. It's just a different game plan.

You can't fake in a round when it's this tough. Everything gets exposed. Yes, some good shots aren't rewarded as well as you would want. It's a true test of who can stay as patient as possible.

Q. Did you feel if you shot something in this range this morning that you would be in the hunt? Did you feel like you lost any patience yesterday during the round?

COLLIN MORIKAWA: I didn't lose patience. I think I tried to force a couple shots. Not that they were the wrong decisions. After I made birdie on 5, the 6th hole, the 7th hole, those are reckless bogeys.

I would say I stayed true to myself today. I really just kept it in front of me, really saw my shots. For me, if I visualize it, everything else is kind of good from there.



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