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June 15, 2024

Tom Kim

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Maybe talk about the stretch around the turn, birdies on 7, 8 and 9.

TOM KIM: Yeah, obviously that was really a nice ending to that back nine. Sorted off with a birdie on 1. Double on two, bogey on three. I didn't really miss a golf shot for me to shoot those scores.

I kind of expected it was going to happen a little bit. U.S. Open, we're going to have some bad breaks. Trying to get myself in it.

Really kind of shifted the momentum with going to the back nine under par. It just gives you room to have a few mistakes, because you're going to have to have some.

It played really tough coming in. Felt like some of the holes I parred were birdies. Did a really good job.

Q. Can you talk about your good finish last year at LACC. What do you like about the U.S. Open?

TOM KIM: I feel like when you grind it out and you make tough pars, you definitely gain a lot. I feel like you gain two more shots than the rest of the other tournaments, if that would make sense.

For example, 4, 16, they're playing monstrous into the wind. Five something. Basically par 5s. When you make par on those, it feels like you made two birdies. Guys have made mistakes on those holes, feels like you gain a ton of shots.

I shot 1-over par. You don't get that anywhere else.

Q. Your mindset going into tomorrow? Have to make up some ground to stay in contention.

TOM KIM: Yeah, just the same mindset. Feel like I've been doing a really good job. If I'm out of position, I'm really disciplined with what I'm doing. I've been doing a really good job, like a 6 on 2. I was really unfortunate because I didn't really miss a golf shot. It's going to happen.

Tomorrow really stay disciplined with what I need to do. I don't know how the conditions are going to play out. I don't know what numbers I'm going to go ahead. Just stick with the game plan. If I need to play a little bit of disciplined golf, I'm going to do that. If I can get aggressive, if I have opportunities, I'm going to try to put everything I can do it.

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