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June 15, 2024

Tony Finau

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. How was it out there?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, felt like it was pretty good for the most part for me. Obviously 13 is going to jump out at me as a hole that was the toughest pin on the whole championship, in my opinion. That green is pretty crazy right there where that pin is. Just wrong time to miss a shot.

I was looking right at the flag, pulled it a little, came all the way down. From there, I decided to hit a putt from 20 yards off the green. Didn't have a very good lie. Didn't really want to pitch it. Ended up playing ping-pong there.

Outside of that, I was happy the way I hung in there coming in. I could have easily folded. But depends on how Bryson finishes up. He's obviously going to have a pretty healthy lead, especially over me.

Anything can happen on this golf course. I'm just happy with the way I finished. I was able not to give up any more coming back from 13. Going to need a good one tomorrow.

Q. What is the biggest difference you noticed between the first two rounds and today?

TONY FINAU: Yeah, it's definitely firmer. Today the wind actually blew enough to really make shots tricky coming in. The back nine was pretty tricky trying to gauge the wind. You have to hit the proper flight to even hold these greens.

Overall the conditions of the golf course are starting to firm out. I'm sure that will continue tomorrow.

Q. What do you work on to get ready for tomorrow?

TONY FINAU: Not too much. Hit some putts, just stay sharp. Again, you never know what's going to happen on a day like tomorrow. Still very much in it with a good round.

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