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June 15, 2024

Thomas Detry

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Thomas, opening statement about the round.

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, didn't really get off to a great start. 3-putted the first. We kind of misjudged the yardage on the 2nd, which left us in a horrible spot. So double there.

Honestly, couldn't have been a worse start because I didn't really miss a shot, to be honest. We kind of misjudged the yardage. Laid up in the bunker. Kind of game over. 3-over after three, not good.

But I kind of regrouped nicely after that. The greens are a little bit bumpy, moving a little bit more. I shaved a couple of edges. Felt like I was a little bit unlucky on the greens. I'm looking forward for some redemption tomorrow.

Yeah, I think the main key today was the driver. I didn't hit a fairway pretty much. I was just trying to squeeze to hit that low fade which I usually have in the bag when I'm not really feeling it. It wasn't coming today. You could see the drive on 18 was a wide one.

Q. Talk about the back nine. Kind of got it back on the tracks at least.

THOMAS DETRY: Yes. I mean, honestly on a course like this, to be honest, I shot 6-over, but I actually feel good about myself for some reason. I feel like on a course like this, two years ago I would have shot 12-over.

I made a great par save on 16. Kind of misjudged the line there on 16. Felt like I hit one of the best drives of the day. 17, hit a good putt. Almost went in. 15, as well. Hit a good putt. Almost went in.

I just battled today. I didn't really have much in the bag. Again, I feel like it could have been an 85 today and it wasn't, so it's good (laughter).

Q. Just the mindset tomorrow? Still have a good chance.

THOMAS DETRY: Yeah, like I said, I'm hitting my irons well into the greens. I've hit lots of iron shots on the few fairways that I hit.

But yeah, I'm feeling comfortable on the putts, as well. I feel like I've hit lots of good putts. They just didn't go in, so...

Q. How did you find the course?

THOMAS DETRY: I mean, the course is great. It's such a good test. It makes you think. If you don't hit fairways, you are screwed pretty much. Even when you hit fairways, you are close to being screwed (laughter).

Yeah, it's overall it rewards good play.

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