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June 15, 2024

Patrick Cantlay

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Patrick, you have to be happy with that late birdie.

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, didn't have too many birdie looks today, but it was nice to make that one. I made a string of pars on the back nine and that one birdie, and I feel like I'm in a good spot for tomorrow.

Q. What are you expecting out of the course, especially after how it played today?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I'm sure it'll be a challenge again. There's a premium on hitting fairways, premium on hitting the middle of the greens.

It's about what I thought yesterday, how it would play today. Very firm and rewards only great shots.

Q. Patrick, good day with the putter. Was it where you were putting yourself in position or the way you were reading them?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I had a good day on the greens. I was reading the greens well and made a bunch of good strokes, holed a lot of putts and needed to. I had a lot of par looks out there.

One of the days is going to be a grind like today was, and I'm glad to get in the clubhouse with 70.

Q. You don't look like the kind of guy that gets aggravated on the golf course very often, but has your patience been tested over the last three days, and if so, where?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I think when you miss greens around here, it's very difficult to chip it or putt it up to tap-in. I say that because a lot of times four, five, six feet on the other side of the hole it will fall away and fall off the green. The patience really is leaving yourself four or five feet, three or four feet on the proper side, even on chips and putts from off the green. I did that well today and then made a lot of those putts for par from the proper side of the hole.

Q. Have you been paired with Rory since the Ryder Cup?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I'm not sure. I'm not sure. I remember we played Memphis last summer together. I'm not sure since Ryder Cup.

Q. How do you feel about that pairing as you chase your first major?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, should be great. To be just -- I don't know what Bryson is finishing up at, but to be in second or T-second, I'm in a great spot come tomorrow. It's a golf course that's a challenge. If you can make some birdies, you can gain a lot ever ground.

I'm really happy with how I played today, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. You've been so successful in your career. You've won many of the sport's top prizes, but how excited are you at the possibility of winning your first major title, and what would that mean to you and your family?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, it would be great. Pinehurst seems like a great golf course for me. You hit a lot of fairways and play smart around here, and you can move up the leaderboard with pars and just a few birdies.

I played really smart today and was happy with how I grinded it out. Tomorrow I'm sure will be a grind, as well, and I look forward to the challenge.

Q. You did mention regarding patience, about staying patient out there. Is there a difficulty to follow up on that of you want to make a move up the leaderboard, but that part of it, the part whispering in your ear saying let's do a little bit more? You've been hanging steady when things are moving around you a little bit the last two days.

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I think it takes patience and discipline. I've done a good job of that this week trying not to fire at too many flagsticks, especially when I don't have a wedge in my hands.

This golf course is all about managing your leaves and being smart. I feel like I've done a good job of that so far, and I'm going to take that game plan into tomorrow.

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