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June 15, 2024

Ludvig Aberg

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Third career major championship. Runner-up at the Masters a few months ago. How comfortable do you feel in these situations right now?

LUDVIG ABERG: I don't think anyone is ever going to feel perfectly comfortable. Obviously I love being here, love being in this situation.

Q. Compared to an normal everyday round...

LUDVIG ABERG: It's a bit different. Obviously the difficulty level of the golf course is very different, as well. Feel very fortunate to be able to feel these nerves, feel the excitement that comes with it.

Yeah, looking forward to tomorrow.

Q. After 13, did you feel like you had to press or try to do a little different because obviously Bryson seemed like he was playing pretty well?

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, I mean, he was playing well all day. He was getting the ball up and down from the bunkers, hitting the shots very well. That's nothing I can do anything about.

Obviously what happened to me on 13 is not ideal. It doesn't necessarily change the way that you try to approach this golf course. I think there's only a certain way you can play it. If you don't play that way, you're going to get punished. That's what I did.

Q. Seemed like your start was a bit sluggish. Did you feel that way?

LUDVIG ABERG: Yeah, I felt like basically the whole day wasn't as sharp as it was yesterday. I didn't feel like I executed the shots the way I wanted to. It's just one of them days that the environment, the situation, I guess the golf course kind of bites back. It is what it is.

Hopefully we'll be out tomorrow and shoot a good score.

Q. Are you going to shoot on the range tonight?

LUDVIG ABERG: No, it's too late. Try to preserve my energy as good as I can.

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