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June 15, 2024

Grace Kim

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Grace, 6-under 66. Right now, sitting with a five-shot lead heading into tomorrow. What was the mindset heading into a moving day like this?

GRACE KIM: Well, I guess I knew that my golf game was good enough, especially I've dealt with this position in LA recently this year. I don't think I handled it very well. I was very nervous. Got to the golf course very early for my 2:00 tee times. Just didn't know what to do.

Whereas this morning I think I learnt from from experience. Went to a cafe with my coach, had some avo on toast. Started packing as well.

Yeah, just tried to do everything to keep my mind off the golf course or anything to do with golf. Yeah, I guess just tried to ease myself into the warmups and try to have a free mind out there today.

Q. What was the biggest difference between moving day in LA and moving day today that you did today?

GRACE KIM: Well, I guess, I mean, I knew putter was cold at that weekend, but making sure I just stick to my plan, stay in my lane. Obviously did a better job in preparation for the day.

Yeah, I guess that's just the biggest difference. My head was probably in too much of the golf course, and today I just needed to be at the golf course for a certain amount of time and that was it. So, yeah.

Q. You par the first four holes and three straight birdies, 5 through 7. What clicked on those holes for you?

GRACE KIM: I guess I was a bit disappointed with my play on 4. You know, I think the first three par-5s I didn't play very well and probably could tell I was pretty frustrated with that.

Yeah, especially after 4. Didn't make up and down. Made birdie with Ally on the 5th. I guess that was just a momentum mover -- or just got the momentum going.

Yeah, I don't know, just boxed the next one, which was very nice. Always nice to box a big one.

The next hole, yeah, I just made sure I had a good club in, made sure I worked with the wind and not against it. So, yeah, stumped it and made birdie.

Then I didn't really play the bunker shot very well, so just kept plodding away I guess.

Q. Just to be able to have that nice birdie, that eagle chance that oh, so close, but then to get in the birdie, to look at the leaderboard the way it is now, how satisfied are you with a round like this?

GRACE KIM: I mean, yeah, the last time I had a five-shot lead I didn't do very well, so giving myself another chance to I guess do it again and actually get it done.

I know I'm going to try my best for tomorrow and everyone else will. This golf course calls for lot of birdies and there are a lot of good players out here. Our field is quite deep with the strength of it, so I know everyone will try their best.

We'll see who pulls through.

Q. A lot of people felt the pain with you in LA. Seems like you handled it tremendous, right? I mean...

GRACE KIM: I mean, I was boiling inside. Yeah, what can you do. The putter was really cold for the 36 holes. Yeah, poana greens. I think that just got into my head. I know these greens are a lot suited to my game.

I learnt a lot from that experience. I got very emotional on the golf course that week, especially that weekend, because no matter how bad I played, the spectators really just showed support and that was just very heartwarming. That was very heartfelt as well.

Seeing the crowds out here today, for the whole week really, from Thursday, it's been incredible. It's really making our weeks better. So, yeah, I guess just laugh about it and just have fun with it.

Q. Can you talk about your stretch from 13 on today where you just found another gear and just kept pulling away?

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I guess I forgot that 13 was that back pin. I believe I did hit 3-wood this year and I believe I hit to last year as well and made birdies both times.

Yeah, I knew obviously the girls hit it so straight, so making sure we hit the green and try to putt as best we could on this green. But, yeah, just I guess took my chances on 14, that par-5.

And then 16 was, yeah, very good birdie putt. Yeah, glad I had that.

Q. What did you hit in at 16 and how far was the putt?

GRACE KIM: I hit a three quarter 9 because it was into, and I knew past the pin was going to be quite tough.

The putt was literally only eight feet, but had like 90 degrees of break. Yeah, that was pretty nice.

Q. Grace, with the five-shot lead that you have tomorrow, do you think more about playing high percentage golf and going for it when you can or you going to talk to your caddie while you're out there and figure it out on the course? Do you have a strategy that you're thinking of tonight? How do you approach it?

GRACE KIM: I think my strategy will be the same. I like to play aggressive appropriately. For instance, that last chip shot on 18, you know, I was just going to bump and run it.

You know, you still got to hole it at times. So I went for the lobby and tried to hole it.

Yeah, taking my chances like that, speaking to my caddie thoroughly and clearly enough to I guess have a clear mind into every shot. Yeah, just do me.

Q. Just talk about is this one of your -- during your time on tour -- one of your better rounds you have ever played? I guess you picked a good time to do it now that you got a five-shot lead.

GRACE KIM: I mean, yeah, I guess we all have our good breaks and bad breaks. I didn't -- in my opinion, I don't think I've played that solidly this year. I worked really hard in staying consistent with my coach and team. Yeah, they've been very diligent enough keep me on this routine as well.

Yeah, just I just kept grinding it out and, yeah, hitting it very well and I'm trusting my game. That's the main thing.

My preparation is good enough and I know it's good enough. Hopefully I just have that in the back of my mind and just trust that I did all the work that I could.

Q. How does it feel to -- on the 18th hole you did get that birdie; obviously gave you that extra hole gap there. You could -- it's always a great way to carry into the next round.

GRACE KIM: Yeah, big time. Obviously I finished pretty strong, so hopefully I can just keep that going. Have a good night meal. Watched a movie yesterday. That's probably helped a little bit as well. Maybe do that again tonight and see. Fresh for tomorrow.

Q. What did you watch?

GRACE KIM: I watched Inside Out 2. It was so good. It's a very clever movie. I really kind of adapted that into my mind today. I had anger in there, a bit of happiness or joy in there. So highly recommend.

Q. (Indiscernible.)

GRACE KIM: You know, maybe. I know there are times. But it's definitely good enough to watch again. If you're, yeah, thinking about it, definitely give it a watch.

Q. What you learned from the last time, when you're out there, is there any superstition, things that maybe you did in LA that you'll make sure you don't do other than showing up too early? The way you approach the day on the golf course or the shot?

GRACE KIM: I mean, I personally don't believe in superstition. I think it's just more routines, making sure I have that down pat, learning from my mistakes at LA.

Yeah, showing up too early, giving myself too much time. Going past people who say, good luck to you and then you start overthinking things and your nerves start kicking in.

I know the nerves will be there, but you don't want them to be there too early and start stressing you out. I think that's what happened in LA. Again, learnt from my mistakes and hopefully stick to my routine again tomorrow.

Q. Five-shot lead. Will you leaderboard watch at all or will you be solely focused on shot after shot?

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I'm not a big leaderboard watcher unless I'm not in the mix that much. So, yeah, just going to ignore that kind of. Yeah, just put that aside and work on -- like it's just me and the golf course. Just me versus the golf course.

Q. We are talking about LA, but you do have a win under your belt. You have that winning experience. What do you draw on the positives of maybe LOTTE or something from the Epson Tour when you're in this moment or in that type of contention?

GRACE KIM: I mean, I guess I just know that all the girls are going to give it their best. Everyone is good enough to win out here, so whatever comes and whatever happens, happens for a reason. I really trust that. I apply that to my life quite highly.

So, again, yeah, guess you just kind of work with what I have got and let it go with the flow.

Q. You'll probably get a pairing with Lexi I guess, right? How can you use that into your favor? She'll have a lot of the support out here.

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I didn't know that. That's would be very fun. She is someone I really looked up to during my junior -- well, I still do -- during my junior career. The way she has so much power and load, she's a long hitter. Very exciting. I know she's a fan favorite as well.

Yeah, very excited for tomorrow.

Q. Are you almost convinced you're going to be a different player tomorrow confidence-wise than you were in LA?

GRACE KIM: I mean, yeah, I guess I've just got to prove to myself that I do belong out here. There is a lot of the self-doubt, or has been recently, just not trusting my game.

Now that I have these three days done and what I did right was trusting my game and purely just my game, yeah, I know I'll be in the zone and just kind of tunnel vision tomorrow.

Q. (Indiscernible.)


Q. (Indiscernible.)

GRACE KIM: Yeah, I mean, I have seen the crowds today for her. I was very jealous, so hopefully be a good day tomorrow.

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