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June 15, 2024

Alison Lee

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Alison Lee; 4-under day today. How are you feeling after day three at the Meijer LPGA Classic?

ALISON LEE: Really good. Really happy with where I'm sitting right now. Not going to lie, I felt really uncomfortable with my putter yesterday. That was my biggest strength the first round, and so it came as quite a shock to me.

I battled putting yips in the past, but, yeah, for a moment there on the golf course yesterday I just felt so uncomfortable and a bit shaky over putts. Managed to shoot even par, but definitely felt like I let a lot of strokes go on the course yesterday.

Tried to stay mentally tough today. Still felt a bit uncomfortable over putts today as well, but it was definitely a lot better. Made some really good ones today. Hopefully I can take that into tomorrow and take some confidence from that.

Q. When you walk off the course yesterday and you're feeling that with your putter what is the quick work you do mentally or on the putting green to get that out of your system?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, it's tough. It's hard to have like a step process or something you can 100% fall back on. It's just your mind playing games with you.

Soon as I would step on the putting green I could feel my heart beating faster, shaking a little bit. Soon as I walk off the putting green I'm totally fine. Yeah, just tried to tell myself, I mean, there is nothing I could do at this point. Try and give as little power to it as possible and just try and move forward.

It really just sucked yesterday. I didn't want to play yesterday because I felt so uncomfortable on the ball on the putting green.

But, yeah, overall, I feel like I'm in a good spot going into tomorrow. Like I said I feel like I felt a little bit better today over the ball.

Made some really good putts today. Feel like the bogeys I made today weren't necessarily because of my putting. Just hit a few bad shots. Yeah, a lot of positives to take from today.

Q. And then to birdie all the par-5s today, I mean, after yesterday coming into today, that's got to be big highlight for you.

ALISON LEE: Yeah, I feel like for this course that's definitely a big key. There are five par-5s and almost all of them are reachable. You definitely want to take advantage of those holes because it can make a huge difference out there.

To be able to do that today, I feel like I definitely took advantage of those holes, and that's definitely what I'm going to have to do tomorrow or any of the girls have to do tomorrow if they want to win tomorrow.

Q. What was your best birdie out there?

ALISON LEE: Oh, that's a good question. I'm terrible at these. I never remember anything on the course. I always block it out. Honestly, 18. Feel like 18 was a good one. Hit a really good drive. Didn't hit a great second shot. Always really nice to end with a birdie.

Definitely a nice feeling and definitely I feel like puts me in a better spot going into tomorrow and gives me good momentum.

Q. How long was the putt there?

ALISON LEE: Probably like four feet, yeah. Yeah, pretty boring birdie. I'll take boring any day.

Q. You talked on opening day where you weren't all that comfortable with the swing. All they talked about today on the telecast was how confident you looked in the swing.


Q. Now you work on the putting. So tomorrow you're going to have to get some putts to go.

ALISON LEE: Yeah, golf is a crazy game. I felt so uncomfortable with my shots, tee shots, iron shots, and then the last few days I felt really good with my iron shots and driver and it's kind of almost transferred over to putting.

You can never win out here.

Like I said, you just got to work with what you got. I feel like I've been able to do a pretty good job over the last few days. So, yeah, one more round to go. Really excited about it. Like I said, I feel like I'm in a good spot.

Definitely going to take a low round tomorrow to put myself more in contention. I am definitely going to have to play a bit more aggressively, try and attack more pins, play more confidently, not leave putts short.

Q. Is that a good mindset to be in if you're chasing?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, I would say it's definitely more fun. You almost have a nothing-to-lose mindset. That's what I want to do out here. I want to win. You're not playing on defense.

Yeah, I'll probably be -- my guess is probably four, at most five strokes back is my guess. Which is a pretty big gap, especially out here because you can make so many birdies.

I don't think those girls playing at the top in the last groups are going to not make birdies out there, so it's going to have to take a low one tomorrow.

Q. We asked Ryann about this last week with what Linnea did, making the cut on the number and winning. Was that almost a reminder to everybody how quickly things can flip out here?

ALISON LEE: Yeah, for sure. I think it was a shock to all of us. It rarely happens out here, but that just shows you it's possible and to never give up basically. She had an amazing electric final round. I feel like everyone was definitely inspired by that.

Yeah, I'm going to hopefully take that into tomorrow and hopefully I can shoot a low round, too.

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