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June 15, 2024

Allisen Corpuz

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Allisen Corpuz after her third round at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Take us through the round today, some of the highlights of the day.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, played pretty solid. Made my first birdie on 4.

Capitalized on most of the par-5s today.

Made eagle on 10 making the turn and then I think birdied 14 and 15 to get it there.

Not quite the finish I was hoping for, but still another really solid round.

Q. When you started the day, did you notice some of the other scores out there before you started?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I mean, I saw the leaderboard I think off 18 when I was going to the first tee. It's definitely a course that there is a lot of opportunities so wasn't too worried.

Q. Did you know you could probably go low today or still concerned about being in an afternoon round? I know it's a little harder in the afternoon.

ALLISEN CORPUZ: I think this course has a lot of opportunities. I think the par-5s with the wind direction today played a little more reachable, so actually got up to the greenside on like four of them today.

And, yeah, I mean there is definitely a few tough holes. I think just make par on those holes and always going to be a few birdie opportunities.

Q. Knowing there are so many birdies out there, what's the game plan for tomorrow to go low? Play pretty aggressive or no?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Just keep doing the same thing. I feel like there has been one or two shots each day where I wish I could maybe go back and do a little better.

Overall, been playing really solid and going to try to keep doing the same thing.

Q. Have been playing solid. Seeing your name at the top the leaderboard must give you some confidence. How you feeling about that?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, really excited to be in this position. Feel like I haven't really been in this position yet this year. Just hoping to go out and have a good Sunday.

Q. Does it make it maybe a little easier knowing you're going to chase a little bit, being a couple shots back? Does it take any pressure off, do you think?

ALLISEN CORPUZ: Yeah, I think like it's always nice to know where you are and feeling like you're in contention. Definitely will take a low one tomorrow, but it's out there.

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