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June 15, 2024

Anna Nordqvist

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, Anna, a 7-under 65 today. What was it about moving day that just fit your game so well?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Well, I feel like I've been playing solid the last couple weeks. Just haven't really caught any momentum.

It was really windy the first day in the afternoon there. Felt like I played solid yesterday. Today was a combination. Gave myself a lot of good birdie looks and making some, and having some really close birdies, too.

Overall felt like it was really solid. Just trying to enjoy it a little bit more than trying to put too much pressure. I love it out here because reminds me a lot about Sweden and I'm very close to going home, about a week and a half now; been since Christmas. Counting down the days.

Q. For you when you say this place reminds you of Sweden, is it the community? The course? What is it about this place that makes you feel so comfortable?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I think the climate is obviously a lot like Sweden. You have those perfect Swedish summer nights.

I'm staying at friend's place this week. It's my sixth week on the road so feels like more home. Yeah, just been very nice and chill week so far.

Q. Talking about some of the birdies here, especially the three in your last four holes, what is it about this closing stretch that just makes those opportunities abound?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I hit a good drive on 14 and hit hybrid, I think I had 230 in, so nice two-putt there.

Made a great shot in on 16. Made about a 10-footer. Probably had about an eight- or nine-footer or 17; and made a good par on the last.

Yeah, you have some opportunities, but it's also some -- if you're just a little bit off, they can get to you as well.

Q. How big was the par putt at 18 just as far as giving you momentum for tomorrow?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, I mean, I think I got lucky not being in the bunker off the tee, but it was such a far downhill lie and tried to get greedy and hit the 3-wood and came out so low, so hit the lip of the bunker.

Definitely nice to leave the round on a good note. You know, especially since I had birdies on 16 and 17.

Yeah, 18, if you hit a good tee shot there becomes a little bit easier. Yeah, it's definitely nice to finish with a par there.

Q. When did you really feel in the middle of this tournament?

ANNA NORDQVIST: I mean, I really try not to worry about what everyone else is doing and just try to enjoy playing golf. That's something I've been working on this year, just trying to play golf for myself and enjoying it out there. Jack on the bag and he's been so supportive through all my ups and downs. It's been a very long year feels like.

It's been a lot of -- quite a few ups and a lot of downs. Just trying to take it day by day and enjoy being back out here and do the best I can. Really don't try to worry about what everyone else is doing.

Feels like I've been enjoying it a little bit more the last few days and maybe that's why I've been playing better. I don't know. That's where I'm at. I am just trying to put one foot in front of the other and do the best I can every day.

Q. Many of your contemporaries on tour have told me this weeks feels like a major. Do you agree with that as far as crowd size and all that goes with it?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Seeing the crowds -- Lexi played in the group ahead of me today and that's probably as much crowd as we've had this year. It's amazing to see. And even yesterday I played in the morning and seemed to be a lot of people out here supporting us.

But just trying to soak it in. She was doing well and you can kind of hear the crowds. It's kind of like the moments we play for, and even though there weren't cheering for me -- or most of those -- it's just nice to see. It does bring a very special atmosphere.

I think we're very lucky we have such big support in the community here in Grand Rapids. I think that's why me and a lot of other girls enjoy coming here so much.

Q. Can you just talk about the day that you had today? After playing the first two rounds did you feel more comfortable and that's a big reason as to why you got a good score today?

ANNA NORDQVIST: No. I mean, I just feel like me and Jack have been putting in so much hard work the last couple weeks. You just never know when it's going to pay off.

Today was a good day. Yesterday was a good day. First day was really hard going out in that wind in the afternoon. Just tried to stay really patient in the wind.

Yeah, overall, like I feel like all we can do is try to do our every day and put in work. Just seems to be is never ending grind. The days you get rewarded it's nice to leave the course golf course. Also going to be more days when you're not having as good of a day.

Yeah, definitely enjoy it when you can. We just keep trying our best each day and see where that ends up.

Q. There has been a lot of discussion out there about how you deal with the game mentally on tour. What advice would you give to young players today that are on the Epson Tour, young female players trying to get on the tour to handle this?

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, tour life is definitely hard. Can be very lonely. It's a mental grind. I mean, I'm on the road for seven weeks right now and I'm a homebody, so kind of missing home a lot.

Yeah, like when things are going well it's just obviously a lot easier, but most of the time you're going to be grinding and you need good support system.

But trying to find a balance of work/life and life off the course, it's something that's always been very important to me.

Q. Do you read or what do you do to kind of...

ANNA NORDQVIST: Yeah, the days are long, but watch a lot of Netflix, a lot of movies, a lot of TV shows.

With the time difference I'm able to catch up with a lot of my friends back home in Sweden and some of my other friends when I'm not.

I love working out. Love playing pickleball. Shouldn't probably mention that because I know there is a lot of injuries.

Yeah, I love my time off tour and I try to embrace those weeks and just live a very simple and normal life those weeks.

Yeah, for young and upcoming girls, everyone seems to have a very big team around them and just a lot of pressure on them. A lot going on.

But, yeah, trying to find a work/life balance. Been working on it for 15 years and going to continue working for another couple years of my career.

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