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June 14, 2024

Sam Hauser

Boston Celtics

Game 4: Postgame

Dallas Mavericks 122, Boston Celtics 84

Q. How do you sum up that one? What happened?

SAM HAUSER: That was a butt whupping. That’s it. They just beat us. Not much to it, honestly. They just beat us.

Q. What did you take from it?

SAM HAUSER: It’s a learning lesson, for sure. Got to show up and show out every night. They’re not going to roll over. They’re down 3-1 now. They’re desperate, so they’re not going to roll over. They’re not going to make it easy on us.

Q. How much will you think about this, watch the film and gear up for Game 5?

SAM HAUSER: Yeah, I’m sure we’ll break it down, learn from it and take what we need to get better at and any carry it on to Game 5.

Q. What was the message in the huddle from coach during timeouts?

SAM HAUSER: Be better. About it.

Q. After a night like tonight, what will be the feeling to get back on the court as soon as you can?

SAM HAUSER: Can’t wait. Wish we could do it right now.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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