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June 14, 2024

Derrick Jones Jr.

Dallas Mavericks

Game 4: Postgame

Dallas Mavericks 122, Boston Celtics 84

Q. You were down 0-3 and got a big win. How does it feel?

DERRICK JONES JR.: Amazing. We’ve been trying to get this win the first three games. But we fought for this one. We are going to go out to Boston and fight the same way. We started off the game as physically as we possibly can and just let the refs know that’s what we were doing.

Q: What clicked tonight?

DERRICK JONES JR.: We started playing the right way and put our best foot forward.

Q: What’s it say about this team that you were able to come out here with this kind of performance when you had your backs against the wall?

DERRICK JONES JR.: We are just going to keep fighting. That’s the type of team we are. That’s what we do. We just fight through it all, win lose or draw. We are just going to keep fighting until the end.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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