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June 14, 2024

Derrick White

Boston Celtics

Game 4: Postgame

Dallas Mavericks 122, Boston Celtics 84

Q. How do you sum up that one?

DERRICK WHITE: A simple way: an ass kicking. That’s the simplest way right there.

Q. You guys prepared well, did a lot of good things shootaround, felt you guys were ready to go.

DERRICK WHITE: Yeah, we felt good, felt confident. Just didn’t play the way we’ve been playing.

Q. You’ve played in a lot of playoff series. Is there any way to mimic that sense of desperation that a team has when they are down like that?

DERRICK WHITE: Not exactly. But, as we’ve seen today, they just played harder, and that’s unacceptable.

Q. You guys didn’t really need to make many adjustments over the first three games. What did they do that made you a little less comfortable tonight?

DERRICK WHITE: I just think that they played harder. Every loose ball, 50-50 ball, they got to it. Honestly, the turnovers, missed shots -- combined that’s not a winning recipe.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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