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June 14, 2024

Jason Kidd

Dallas Mavericks

Game 4: Postgame

Dallas Mavericks 122, Boston Celtics 84

Q. Jason, offensive rebounding seemed to be a big factor in this game. What did you see from Dereck Lively in that area?

JASON KIDD: D Live was great. His energy was great. His ability to give us second opportunities. He displayed his range tonight with the corner three.

He was really good. He's been good. Giving us second opportunities, picking up a foul, getting the offensive rebound, was needed. I thought he did a really good job this evening.

Q. You played much better in a lot of areas tonight. Why weren't you able to do it sooner? How do you continue this?

JASON KIDD: We had to play our A game. It was this or we go on vacation. I thought the group did a great job of not pressing, letting the game happen. The flow was there.

We've done this in the first three games. It's just we haven't been able to capitalize. We made the mistakes, and they've capitalized on it.

They shot the three well. We tried to keep them off the free-throw line tonight, not give them second opportunities. I thought they did a really good job of being able to execute the game plan and let the game come to us.

We made awesome shots. Our role players stepped up and made some threes. That's what we needed tonight.

Q. Luka responded obviously tonight with 29 points. 25 of those came in the first half. What did you see from him and his temperament throughout the game?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, I thought he was great. He's been great. Some would say differently. He's averaging over 25 in this series, I think. He's playing at a very high level.

I don't know so much respond. He's been doing everything for us on the offensive end and defensive end. I thought he played his game tonight. He didn't force anything. I thought he was rebounding and let other guys...

With the pace, we talked about it, we got to play faster. I thought he set the pace for us tonight.

Q. The two-big lineup with Dereck and Maxi, and Josh Green in with Ky and Luka, what about that group tonight was so effective on both sides of the floor?

JASON KIDD: I thought they were great. It was a carryover from Game 3. I thought the energy group that ended in Game 3, fourth quarter, the group, energy and pace on both ends. Defensively we got stops. Offensively we got into the paint where we could capitalize. I thought Josh's energy has been great.

The defense, again, in this series has been really good. It's just for us, it comes down to not making a mistake at the wrong time, and tonight we didn't do that. We capitalized on their mistakes.

Q. Luka vowed that he wasn't going to be distracted by discussions with the officials. Followed through on that, a lot like he did Game 5 versus OKC. How do you think his demeanor and focus set a tone?

JASON KIDD: It thought it was great. He was Luka. He's been Luka. There wasn't a different Luka out there. He played at a high level. He was great. He's been great. He's one of the best players in the world. As much as we want to criticize, he's a hell of a player.

Q. You said before the game somebody was either going to make a stand or somebody was going to let go of the rope. Was there something you saw early that suggested your guys have a stand in them tonight?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, the score. It's real simple. We don't have to complicate this. This isn't surgery.

Our group was ready to go. They were ready to celebrate. Understand, we made a stand. We were desperate. We got to continue to keep playing that way; understand they're trying to find a way to close the door.

The hardest thing in this league is to close the door when you have a group that has nothing to lose. Tonight you saw that. They let go of the rope, you know, pretty early.

Q. You mentioned Lively showing his range. I believe he only tried two threes this year. Is that actually something you drew up for him?

JASON KIDD: No, he was in the right spot. He took it from there. He can shoot. That's the next step for his development, is being able to shoot the three. He's young. But as a 20-year-old, he's grown up in the AAU circuit where in high school, he could shoot, he could handle. He'd tell you he played point guard.

His ability to be able to bring the ball, being able to shoot the three is the next step for him.

He has all the skill set. Right now, for the role we need him to do, is do what he did tonight: offensive rebound, change shots and be able to guard.

Q. You mentioned the bench players. I thought when Exum came in and hit those early shots, it was a big lift for you. What kind of psychological lift does that give the team?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, that's who we've been all season. Exum has played at a high level for us all season. He's been able to run the offense. He stepped up and made big shots for us to win.

Then I thought tonight even the one he shot from out of bounds, he made it, that could easily have changed his confidence. He was aggressive while he was out on the floor. He was great. We're going to need that on the road.

Q. Can you talk a little bit about the balanced scoring effort from your team. First half all nine players scored.

JASON KIDD: Yeah, again, we are desperate. The ball starts to move. Guys are not overthinking it. Again, being able to make some threes tonight from our role players were huge when you talk about D Jones, Exum and then D Live.

Just understanding that's who we've been all season. We can shoot with the best of them. Tonight we displayed that.

Q. How did desperation and urgency factor into your guys' overall performance tonight, especially defensively? Three steals from Luka, chasing down, intercepting a steal after missing a longshot. How do you carry that over to Boston?

JASON KIDD: Yeah, I think, again, we have nothing to lose going to Boston. That mindset of being aggressive.

Then to answer the first part of your question, Luka, as we know, can play defense. You saw that tonight. Some of the criticism that he's had here of late, for whatever reason, talked about his defense. I think he stepped up and was there.

He knows in Boston he's going to be right back in the pick-and-roll, so he's going to have to compete and play defense again.

Q. Of course you're getting a lot of questions about Lively, rightfully so. Got a chance to see O Max tonight. How would you describe his role and being ready for the moment?

JASON KIDD: I thought everybody who participated today was ready. I thought O Max, as a rookie coming off of injury, I thought he did a good job getting his first minutes in the Finals.

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