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June 14, 2024

Luka Doncic

Dallas Mavericks

Game 4: Postgame

Dallas Mavericks 122, Boston Celtics 84

Q. Luka, you told us yesterday that you were going to leave the refs alone and focus on having fun. You followed through on that, like OKC Game 5. What difference do you think that made for you tonight?

LUKA DONCIC: Just helps out my team. We were locked in, especially on the defense end. We played with pace. It helped them. I'm here to help them in every way I can. We just got to play like that.

Q. How does the outlook change in the series, now that you have a win under your belt and you have a few more days of life headed to Boston?

LUKA DONCIC: I mean, it doesn't change anything. Like I said at the beginning of the series, it's first to four. We going to believe until the end. So we just got to keep going. I have big belief in this team that we can do it, so we just got to keep believing.

Q. You've said all series about the belief that you have, that this team has. How much more satisfying is it that people saw why that belief is there, but also this wasn't just you? You had a lot of guys do a lot of big things tonight. How critical is that?

LUKA DONCIC: It's big. It's basketball. It's five people on the floor. So that's huge for us. Everybody played with a lot of energy. That's how we got to do it. We got to think the same way in Game 5 in Boston.

Q. Over the last four games, what's the biggest thing you've learned about yourself and what it's going to take to win on this stage?

LUKA DONCIC: I don't know what I learn of myself. Ask me the next day, I'll come up with the answer. I don't know really right now (smiling).

But it's going to take everything. It's going to take energy -- especially energy -- because it's late in the season. We played a lot of games. We got to stay together and locked in.

Q. Jason came in here before the game and gave an impassioned defense of you. He said a lot of the criticism you've been receiving has become personal, is a little unfair. Did he say any of that to you? Whether he did or not, what does it mean to you that he had your back like that?

LUKA DONCIC: No, he didn't say anything to me specifically. But that speaks a lot about him. He always has players' backs. He always support us. That's a big thing, to have a coach like that.

Q. Dereck Lively had a very impactful game. Double-double. What did you see from him stepping up on this stage? What did you think of the three-pointer he hit in the corner?

LUKA DONCIC: Big-time, man. I think people forget he's a rookie. He's a rookie doing this stuff. He's been amazing the whole season. Just watching him grow was unbelievable.

It's fun having him out there with me. Call him my teammate, it's unbelievable. It's a pleasure to have him. He's 50% on the season, so he might as well just keep shooting. He's 1-for-2, right?

Q. Three.

LUKA DONCIC: All right. 1-for-1 -- he's 100% in the Playoffs.

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