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June 14, 2024

Jackson Suber

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. When did you find out that you got in?

JACKSON SUBER: Tuesday during a practice round on No. 9.

Q. How was that feeling for you?

JACKSON SUBER: Yeah, it was pretty good. It was pretty hard to sleep that night. I was pretty excited. I wasn't sure if I was going to head to watch at that for the Korn Ferry event or not. I had a flight booked the next morning. It was a good feeling.

Q. Have you sent anything to Jon Rahm thanking him for that?

JACKSON SUBER: No, I have not, but I hope he heals quickly.

Q. Talk about your round today, 2-over 73, 2-over for the tournament. Looks like you're going to make the cut. Here at Pinehurst it's been so difficult.

JACKSON SUBER: Yeah, I had a rough start of the day. I was 3-over through two, and I hit two good drives and just not bad breaks but just kind of little hiccups, and then after that had some patience and felt good through the rest of the day and still had a couple bogeys coming in, but it wasn't a bad day.

Q. Talk about the last two bogeys on 7 and 9.

JACKSON SUBER: Yeah, 7 I just hit it long of the green, and it's not a good spot, then hit a bad chip. I actually thought I hit a good putt and it went six feet by, but made that.

Then 9, it's weird with the wind swirling up there, and ended up coming up short and hit it to seven feet, eight feet and missed it. But bogey is okay.

Q. What do you do tonight knowing you probably made the cut at the U.S. Open?

JACKSON SUBER: Eat and rest.

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