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June 14, 2024

Taylor Pendrith

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk about how well you were doing before we ever got to that last hole. What were you doing well?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I did everything pretty well. I drove the ball really good. Hit a lot of really quality iron shots and putted well.

A little unfortunate on the last. Hit a pretty nice shot, and it was plugged in the face. I thought I hit a really nice bunker shot, and it just went over the green. That'll happen here.

Q. Talk about the back-to-back birdies you made on 18 and 1 to really push you right near the lead.

TAYLOR PENDRITH: Yeah, hit two really nice shots in there. 18 was a 9-iron to maybe 10 feet.

And then 1, hit a pitching wedge, kind of pushed it a little bit, but it was the perfect number. Got lucky that it kind of hung on there.

I played really solid, honestly, all day. Wasn't really ever out of position much. Overall everything was super solid.

The last hole, a little unfortunate, but all in all, it was a great day.

Q. Not to drag you down, but how do you overcome a triple bogey as a finishing hole, also as you go into the weekend mentally?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: If I tripled the first hole today and shot even, I'd probably be thrilled. It is what it is. This place is super hard, and it can happen quickly. I really didn't hit a bad shot that hole and made a triple. It's one of those things that can happen at a U.S. Open. And it's unfortunate, but it was probably bound to happen at some point this week. So hopefully get it out of the way and have a good weekend.

Q. What's the hardest part about playing this particular course?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: You just have to be super precise with everything. All I can think about is the last hole that I just finished. We're trying to land it two yards over the bunker. I missed my spot by two yards. Then my third shot, trying to land it two yards on the green, missed it by two yards.

You have to be super precise with everything. Even on the greens, there's a lot of putts that I had today where I'm literally just trying to get good speed and lag it within four feet.

It's tricky. It's getting harder out there, I think, and I'm sure it will firm up a little bit this weekend and be a real challenge.

It's a great golf course. It's a great test. I think it's set up pretty fairly. If you hit good shots, you'll be rewarded, and if you hit bad shots, you won't be.

Q. You've played in a few U.S. Opens and you've had success. What did you learn from those U.S. Opens that's going to help you on the weekend?

TAYLOR PENDRITH: I think pars are good. Played Winged Foot, was my first one, and I shot even par early on Sunday and moved way up. I was pleased with my round, but I felt like I left a couple out there but was grinding hard for pars all day. So pars can go a long way.

I'm sure this weekend, par is going to be a great score. You've just got to keep grinding. You hit some good shots and you will make some birdies, but just stay patient and try and make 4s.

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