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June 14, 2024

Corey Conners

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Corey Conners, even par 70, 1-under for the championship.

Talk about your start today, which obviously you had a double bogey, and how you overcame that.

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, not an ideal way to start. Yeah, got myself in a tricky spot there on 10 after a poor 3-wood. Yeah, just knew there was a lot of holes left to be played. I knew I was going to hit a lot of good shots the rest of the day. Just tried to be patient. Plodded my way long.

Certainly didn't want to try to force anything right away. Yeah, I made some pars. I think birdie on the 15th hole kind of settled me into the round nicely to kind of get things on track.

Q. 9 has given a lot of people trouble today. To hit that shot in there, talk about that.

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, it was a great way to end the day. I wouldn't say I necessarily had my best stuff all day with the irons. Hit a lot of solid ones. Just tried to be aggressive there. It was a good number. Had to hit a pretty solid 8-iron.

Yeah, fortunately had a pretty good result.

Q. You mentioned your irons weren't perhaps as they normally are. What was it that was working?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I mean, I think I wasn't thrilled with some of the iron shots that I had, but they weren't leaving me in too difficult of spots. I was able to find the right areas of the greens for the most part. Not really put a ton of stress.

Certainly a stressful golf course. But I managed it okay. Just found maybe a teeny bit off with some of the strikes and distance control.

Q. Second day with an early double, was it frustrating? How were you able to get past it?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I mean, if anything, it's motivating to try to recover, I guess. This golf course, like I said, you can't really force anything. You just have to be patient, try to take advantage of opportunities when they present themselves.

Q. The 9th hole, you mentioned the shot. Could you see it from where you were?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I could see the ball. Looked like it was right behind of flagstick. I heard a few people with some excitement. Yeah, I could see it sitting just behind the hole.

Q. The course, how did it change since yesterday? What are you expecting for the weekend?

COREY CONNERS: It maybe firmed up a little bit today. It was certainly a hot day today. Expecting it to continue to firm up.

I found the greens started to get some growth later in the day, maybe slowed down a little bit. Left a few putts short that I thought I hit with pretty good pace.

Expecting it to firm up a little bit. How it's playing right now is fantastic. It gives you the opportunity, if you hit a great shot, you can get rewarded. You're still really penalized. I love the way the course is playing now. Hopefully stays fairly similar.

Q. You've been in the mix a number of times at major championships. What makes you more ready to win this week?

COREY CONNERS: Yeah, I feel like I have a lot of confidence in my game. It will obviously be a big challenge I have this weekend. I'm ready for it and looking forward to it.

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