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June 14, 2024

Tiger Woods

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome back to the interview area Tiger Woods. Just an opening statement on your round.

TIGER WOODS: Well, it was probably the highest score I could have possibly shot today. I hit a lot of good shots that just didn't quite go my way, or I hit good putts, and then I put myself in a couple bad spots with some bad lag putts. But again, as I said, it was probably the highest score I could have shot today.

Q. You said yesterday that it's pick your poison between playing tournaments in the lead-up or not being sharp. Do you think with how your body is feeling, is there a scenario in which you'd try to play a little bit more?

TIGER WOODS: I've only got one more tournament this season, so I'm not going to -- I don't think even if I win the British Open I don't think I'll be in the Playoffs. Just one more event and then I'll come back whenever I come back.

Q. You're a serial winner. You're used to winning. How much does it hurt to not make the cut, and have you at any point this week felt, hand on heart, this could be your last U.S. Open?

TIGER WOODS: Well, it's one of those things where in order to win a golf tournament, you have to make the cut. I can't win the tournament from where I'm at, so it certainly is frustrating.

I thought I played well enough to be up there in contention. It just didn't work out.

As far as my last Open Championship or U.S. Open Championship, I don't know what that is. It may or may not be.

Q. How did you feel? It seemed like you were walking stronger, looked stronger, and then the lip-out on 15, how deflating was that?

TIGER WOODS: Yeah, 15 hurt. That was a good -- sweet little 7-iron in there and a good putt, high-side lip. If I make that putt, it flips the momentum, and I'm looking pretty good on the last three holes, and instead I'm on the wrong side of the cut line and having to do something good on the last three holes, which I end up hitting a sweet shot out of the trouble on 16 and I thought I holed my bunker shot at 17.

Q. You seem to be walking well, getting good shots off the tee. What will your main takeaways be from this week at Pinehurst?

TIGER WOODS: Frustrating. I'm not here for the weekend. Granted, my ball-striking and felt like my putting was good enough to be in contention, and I'm not.

Yes, it is frustrating because I'm not here to have a chance to win on the weekend.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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