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June 14, 2024

Francesco Molinari

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Unbelievable shot on No. 9. Give me the yardage and what club you hit.

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: I hit 7-iron, and it was 177 meters, so I guess that's 185 yards, something, 195 yards, something like that.

Q. Did you see it go in?

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: Yes, we saw it go in. I think from where we were standing, it looked like it just carried the bunker, plus the greens are getting firm, so it was the ideal shot. Then it started tracking, was going to break left to right at the hole, and we were joking with Serg and how it looked and on a great line the whole way, but what are the chances really. I don't even know what to say. Just incredible.

Q. Now you get to plus 5, which is currently the cut line, and you may be playing tomorrow because of that.

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: I hope so, yeah. That's what I was trying to do. It was the last chance to have a chance to play the weekend. I saw we were still 61st, so hopefully we can sneak in the cut. Yeah, that's golf in a nutshell.

Q. Is that something when you come to a tee like that knowing that the cut line is at 5 and you actually need a hole-in-one, are you thinking about trying to put it in the hole?

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: No, you're trying to hit a good shot. Like I said, you have a thought, knowing it's the last chance you have. I just bogeyed 8. I was hoping I was able to par 8 and then having to make 2 at 9, with that flag, if you hit a good shot, you can get it within birdie range, but when I dropped a shot at 8, but then yes, standing on the 9th tee it was just put a good swing on it and see what happens. But the chances are incredibly small, so I don't know what to say.

Q. What number hole-in-one is this for you in a competitive round?

FRANCESCO MOLINARI: I don't know. You guys need to check for me. I would guess seven maybe, but I'm completely guessing.

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