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June 14, 2024

Patrick Cantlay

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Flash Interview

THE MODERATOR: Please welcome to the interview area Patrick Cantlay, 1-over 71. Just a little bit about your round today.

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I thought I played well today. The golf course was very difficult. It was a lot firmer than it was yesterday.

I think it's going to be a challenge the rest of the weekend. Exactly what we expected.

Q. Heading into the weekend, obviously put yourself in good position. What will be kind of the game plan going into tomorrow?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I think it's really important to play from the fairway. I got off track on a few holes, and it's tough to get it back in position.

I think this golf course is going to play very challenging over the weekend, especially with the forecast that we have. So I think being smart and being patient, it's inevitable there's going to be some mistakes made, but that's just part of playing a U.S. Open.

Q. You said yesterday that you'd been working on some things recently, and I'm sure you don't want to go into detail, but can you give us the cliff's notes version of what you're working on and how comfortable you are in that process?

PATRICK CANTLAY: I've been working on some technical things in my swing. My swing got a little longer at the beginning of the year, so just tightening things up a little bit. Nothing out of the ordinary. Feeling pretty good, and I'll continue to work on those feels.

Q. You're in a good position going into the weekend. What is the strategy now? Was this your goal at the start of the week, to be right up there, nip and tuck?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, of course. Same strategy. Like I said, this golf course is going to be very challenging over the weekend, and so being patient and leaving the golf ball in the correct spot and really being methodical out there, that's what I'm going to try and do.

Q. Was there an example of conditions encountered today that showed how different the golf course was playing today than yesterday?

PATRICK CANTLAY: Yeah, I think 8 and 9. The areas to leave your golf ball or land your golf ball are probably half as big today with the firmness than we were yesterday, especially 9. My ball was maybe -- I hit a good shot, but my ball was maybe a yard from going over the green and having 20 yards back.

The line is very fine around here. Just a yard one way or the other can be a dramatic difference.

Q. Sort of a weird question for you, but yesterday Brooks Koepka gave an interview and he said he was frustrated by the lack of creativity from some of the questions he receives. I'm curious if you share that opinion.

PATRICK CANTLAY: I don't think about it much. I'm probably happiest when I get golf questions.

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