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June 14, 2024

Neal Shipley

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Pretty good round for you. You made the cut at the U.S. Open. How do you feel about your game right now?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Game feels really solid. Got some things to work on from today. I put myself in a position I shouldn't have been in halfway through the round, teetering around the cut line. I definitely feel like we could have had a much better round today overall.

But obviously excited to play the weekend. Just looking to improve, try to move up the leaderboard a little bit.

Q. Halfway through the round, made a couple bogeys through there. What was part of you making those bogeys?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Yeah, I mean, I got probably two unlucky breaks on was it 16. Hit a solid drive that just leaked into one of the kind of waste areas. Missed the two bunkers on the right side. If it was in the two right bunkers, would have had a good chance. Waste area, kind of had a tough one. Got into the greenside bunker, didn't make a putt.

On 17, hit not my best tee shot. Ended up getting a plugged lie there, which was unfortunate, but made a solid one from there.

18, one bad swing with the wedge.

Other than that, we played a really solid round of golf today. Probably played 14 really good holes. Just need to improve on some of those ones that are some of those loose swings.

Q. What do you have to do tomorrow to correct some of those things to make you feel like you can get right back in this thing?

NEAL SHIPLEY: It's about doing what I've been doing all year, over the last two years: just focus on playing really solid, fundamental golf.

I feel like we can maybe work on the driver a little bit tomorrow morning. I think we're heading to bed as soon as possible with how hot it was today.

Yeah, I mean, it's just how golf is. Sometimes you're just not quite as on as you were the day before.

Q. How different was the golf course from yesterday morning to playing in the heat this afternoon?

NEAL SHIPLEY: Yeah, I mean, it firmed up a lot. The greens, if you hit a well-struck shot, it's going to hold the green. It's not getting crazy.

The fairways are really running out a lot more. I know I hit an okay tee shot on 4, but landed probably in the right third of the fairway, kicked straight right, kept rolling until it ended up in the waste area on the right.

The fairways are getting crispy. That makes them a little bit smaller.

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