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June 14, 2024

Zac Blair

Village of Pinehurst, North Carolina, USA

Pinehurst Resort & C.C. (Course No. 2)

Quick Quotes

Q. Zac Blair after a second round 69. Can you talk about the four birdies you made and what you had going today.

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, just kind of did everything pretty solid again. Hit a lot of good iron shots, was able to roll in a couple of putts, and just really kept it out of really bad spots most of the day.

A couple of the times I missed the green, was able to get it relatively close for a good look at par. Wasn't able to make all those. But, yeah, made a couple of really nice birdies.

Q. Talk about the iron play. What's working there?

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, just I feel like I've always been a pretty good ball-striker. So just hitting them good this week, I guess.

Q. And then talk about Pinehurst just in general. Obviously you're here with your son late on the range, and then playing some evening nine holes. Can you talk about the love that you have for this place.

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, it's one of my favorite courses ever in the world. It's pretty awesome to play it in a U.S. Open. Awesome to be out here with my family. They have it in good shape this week, and it's fun to see it kind of in this championship conditions, and looking forward to the next couple of days.

Q. Yeah, four shots back going into the weekend. A lot of big names up there. What do you think you have to do to keep your name at the top?

ZAC BLAIR: Just doing the same stuff I did the first two days. Drove it fairly well. And like you said, iron play was solid. And feel like if I can keep doing that and get hot with the putter, you never know.

Q. Seems like the setup has been fair. Going into the weekend, what do you think they'll do with it?

ZAC BLAIR: Yeah, I think I feel like they don't want to make it too much about them. The golf course is great. They don't have to do too much. I think the course is kind of peaking right where they want it, I'm sure. I expect it to get a little firmer and faster and tougher, and, you know, it's the weekend of a major.

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