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June 14, 2024

Narin An

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. All right, here with Narin An after her second round at the Meijer LPGA Classic. Just tell me how good your round felt today and maybe some of the highlights of the day.

NARIN AN: I think I hit good shots, and then that's why I can make putt a little bit more than the others, yeah.

Q. Hitting close shots?


Q. So close putts?

NARIN AN: Close putts, yeah.

Q. Awesome. Can you talk about what you remember from that stretch of birdies on the front, 4, 5, 6? So that par-5 on 4, you made birdie there. Do you remember anything about those shots? I know that was a long time ago.

NARIN AN: I forgot the hole.

Q. You made birdie on 4, 5, 6; par-5, par-3, par-4. You can look at your card.

NARIN AN: Ah, par-5, par-3, then par-4, right? Yeah.

Q. Yeah.

NARIN AN: All three were hit good shots, like second, third shot, and then I made the putt, so...

Q. That's good. Yesterday you went bogey-free.


Q. You played in the morning. How different was the course playing?

NARIN AN: I think in the morning the greens are pretty fast and like pure than the afternoon I think. Yeah, afternoon is like quite a bit bumpy in the end, yeah.

Q. Was the wind very bad today?

NARIN AN: A little bit, yeah.

Q. A little bit?


Q. Last week you had a really good finish, too, at ShopRite; what's feeling good about your game?

NARIN AN: I think the shots and putting, like where I'm thinking, it goes right there, so kind of easy to make a save and make birdies, yeah.

Q. As you look to tomorrow, what are sort of the goals? Do you feel like you have to make a lot of birdies here?

NARIN AN: If I can. Why not?

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