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June 14, 2024

Lexi Thompson

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Blythefield Country Club

Quick Quotes

Q. I just love watching Lexi interact with all the fans. You have such a loyal fan club here. You've played every year in the Meijer. You've played quite well. You're a past winner. Multiple top 10 finishes here. What is it about this tournament, this course, this community that brings out the best in you?

LEXI THOMPSON: I think just everything honestly. The atmosphere of this event and the way the tournament gives back with Simply Give, it's nothing but great things. So many people come out to support us this week.

I think all of us players would say this is one of our best events on our schedule. I just enjoy coming back to Grand Rapids. What is there not to enjoy right now?

Q. I think all of us as professionals have favorite golf courses. Obviously you didn't come in here trending that well, but shot 4-under today. I looked a little your stats. 115-under par on this golf course. How does that happen?

LEXI THOMPSON: A lot of birdies apparently. (Laughter.)

A little bit of a slower start coming into this week, but nothing but positives, especially coming from today. Hit a lot of great shots out there and made some good birdies, especially coming in.

So positives going into weekend, and see what I can do.

Q. Everyone knows you go the to go low here. How do you keep that accelerator down and manage that aggressive mentally plus being smart?

LEXI THOMPSON: I would say there is a few holes out there that you just play smart, get it in the fairway, and take your par. Especially if they go and tuck so the finishes.

But there are a lot of holes you can play very aggressive on and bomb your drive down there as far as you can get, and had that flip wedge in.

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